
July 25th, 2008 at 7:42 AM ^

in case 2, if you're a drunk guy at a party and a girl you don't know, possible a girl you hate, comes up and kisses you on the mouth and grabs your cock, DO YOU CALL THE COPS? or does that make you an asshole and a douchebag? (because you'e looking like one now)

You don't seem to understand who i'm defending and who I'm not.  I'm defending kevin grady, letting people know that while his desicion to drive drunk was poor, dangerous, and completely stupid, does not make him an axe murderer.

And on a tangent, i'm half heartedly defending the idea that there may be situations, again short of bodily harm, that do not require police involvement.  Now this case seems pretty serious and so OBVIOUSLY it isn't one that should be kept 'in house'.  

And if you haven't read the three times i already said I wasn't talking about the iowa case, but in general logical puzzlement, then you're fuckiong stupid.  don't call me names cause you can't understand my argument.  

And to me; truth, knowledge, and intelligence are more important than how i 'look' on an internet message board. 


July 25th, 2008 at 8:06 AM ^

People are misunderstanding your argument because your posts are full of bizarre twists and are practically incoherent at times. Don't mistake your ability to make an absurdly complicated argument as intelligence, truth, or knowledge.

Ms. Wolverine

July 25th, 2008 at 12:00 PM ^

A person has a right to their bodily integrity and they have a right to go to the authorities whenever this bodily integrity is compromised by another person. If you think that makes them a douchebag, it's entirely beside the point. So if someone comes up to you and kisses you and grabs your cock without your consent, you absolutely have the right to call the cops and get her charged with assault or battery or whatever the state's criminal law allows. We're not going to base our criminal laws on what one person thinks is serious or not serious - we use an objectively reasonable standard and that standard says pretty much ANY bodily touching against the will of a person is offensive touching that can be punished. I'm sorry you don't like it, but using a "aw, BlueSeoul doesn't think cock grabbing is so bad" standard is not the best way to go here. Trust me.


July 28th, 2008 at 7:58 AM ^

no, the best way to decide laws is to make them a reflection of the public's will.  Hypocritical, euphemistic jargon will always be a pale reflection of current beliefs about what is and is not acceptable.  And about who is, or is not responsible, and responsible for what. This is why we have the right to trial by a jury of our peers. 

And while I do agree with some of Ron Paul's positions, I don't and haven't actively campaigned for him and definitely not for Barr because on the whole I disagree with their positions on what the government has a responsibility to do. 


July 28th, 2008 at 8:12 AM ^

that's what juries are for.  And i wouldn't normally argue this, but since you bring it up and it was already mentioned, i'll just ask if you realized that by going from a standard of "harm" to a standard of 'against the will' of the person means that it is now necessarily to determine the person's state of mind, to determine a person's 'will'?  Which brings us full circle to premeditated decisions, events of high expectation, and the problem of proximity.  You go out drinking at some crowded bar/dance floor, do you expect andy dick to grab your boobs? Can you prove it in court? Is it worth the taxpayers dollars for the prosecutor to take it trial?

Ms. Wolverine

July 28th, 2008 at 10:52 AM ^

State of mind is an essential element of almost every crime, and it gets proved in court every day. We have this elaborate process that involves sworn testimony and evidence. Beyond that, I'm not even sure how to respond to your post, because I have no idea what your point is here. Just so you know, it increasingly is sounding like "man groping a drunk girl isn't a big deal, and it shouldn't be criminal." or "girls that report guys for groping them are wasting the resources of our criminal justice system!"

Ms. Wolverine

July 31st, 2008 at 7:15 PM ^

What I think is appropriate is a standard that says that any bodily touching without permission is offensive touching that may be prosecuted under the law, not some personal scale of what's "worth it" to prosecute and what isn't based on my personal views about drunk girls and boobies.

I see no viable reason to distinguish between levels of sexual assault when it comes to whether or not a perpetrator should be prosecuted - that's what our criminal justice system is for.

You're basically arguing for either (a) making something like boob groping a drunken girl not illegal or (b) encouraging women not to report sexual assault crimes that don't rise to your level of worthiness of prosecution.

Both of those options are pretty terrible.


July 24th, 2008 at 8:39 PM ^

I cannot believe this thread went in the direction it did. It is not a question of IF it happened, that is what the legal system is for. The problem is that it's an obvious obstruction of the legal process. They convinced the alleged victim to let untrained criminal investigators handle a criminal complaint with the expectation of justice. The only thing the University could do is file a report with the local law enforcement agencies. The university may have its own police force, but it does not appear they were involved if so.

The details of the events are frightening. Regardless of it being actual or fabricated. I doubt anyone would let their daughter's High School faculty handle an investigation like this, and they are just as qualified as university officials. By qualified, I mean the opposite of course. Nothing stated by the univeristy sounds like anything but a cover up.

chitownblue (not verified)

July 25th, 2008 at 8:11 AM ^

The fact that the victim or perpetrator may be drunk does not excuse a crime: 1. If I am drunk, and am hit by another driver at a stoplight, I'm not legally responsible for the accident. 2. If I am drunk, and am raped, it is not my responsibility for being raped. 3. If I am drunk, and I cause an accident that injures another party, I am guilty of whatever the result of my actions are - if that's vehicualar homicide, that is included as well. The act of drunk driving should not be equated to attempted murder, because drunk driving does not imply an intent to harm other people. 4. If I am drunk, and I fondle/molest/rape someone, I am guilty of fondling/molesting/raping them. Happy? That looks at both the victim and perpetrator sides of both situations. When you mention "the responsibilities of your actions when you drink" it sounds as if you're implying that if the victim was drunk, and didn't act in the most responsible way, there is a set of impermissable behavior (fondling) that she opens herself up to that should not be criminalized. That's why everyone thinks you're coming off as rapey. If that is NOT what you're implying, then, perhaps rather than call everyone else on this thread an idiot for not understanding, maybe the problem lies with your own inability to explain it in a way that is understanable.


July 28th, 2008 at 7:45 AM ^

I want people to go through the mental exercise of coming to those conclusions on their own.  If I tell people something, it doesn't have nearly the power as if they think they've thought of it themselves. And if you can manage to come around, then there's hope for everyone.


July 28th, 2008 at 10:54 AM ^

Please, by all means, stay in Seoul "teaching" English to spoiled kids, avoiding US taxes while having fervent opinions on the American political/legal system, and fuck off. You are not some sort of Mr. Chips master educator with your "Welllll maybe it's not a crime if I grab some chicks tits in the bar cuz she was drunk!" stance or hypothetical or whatever the fuck you want to call it.


July 29th, 2008 at 10:28 AM ^

you fail.  didn't take you long to lose your argument and your temper.  congratulations on winning the 'most immature poster' award.


again, Congratulations.


chitownblue (not verified)

July 29th, 2008 at 10:44 AM ^

That's not a mischaractarization of what was written at all. Definitely not.

I do wonder, though, what you think you are "teaching" us. You've advanced an argument that there is a level of inappropriate behavior that, while drunk, should not be settled in court. Have I learned anything by your argument that a drunk girl who has her tits grabbed shouldn't press charges? Are any of us more knowledgable by you advancing that argument? Of course not. What I am (I can't speak for others), is skeeved out by someone who makes an argument that a drunk woman shouldn't press charges when she's fondled. Do her right diminish when she's drunk? Do her rights diminish when the perpetrator is drunk? I believe, in both cases, no. And your seeming insistence otherwise makes you seem, as I said, rapey. That's creepy.

If I'm mis-characterizing your argument, then, perhaps rather than lashing out at me (as you have anyone else who's brought issue with you), maybe you should re-examine the deficiency in how you're phrasing it, and not accuse the mass of relatively intelligent people reading it of idiocy.


July 29th, 2008 at 11:35 AM ^

polite posts have been given polite responses, insulting posts, insulting.  According to ms. wolverine, if it was the woman's will to be in a situation where phsyical contact is probable, then such contact wouldn't be against her will. 

I'm saying she should sue in civil court not criminal.

It is obviously no one's will to be raped, and rape constitutes bodily harm and so I believe it should be a criminal matter.  but a fleeting drunken fondle between peers probably shouldn't be taking up the state's resources when there are more serious crimes to prosecute. (like rape) Now if it's persistant, then it probably rises to the level of harrassment, but that's a different matter altogether. 

chitownblue (not verified)

July 25th, 2008 at 8:29 AM ^

"And to me; truth, knowledge, and intelligence are more important than how i 'look' on an internet message board." Explain to me how arguing that grabbing the tits of a drunk girl should be decriminalized is the pursuit of truth or knowledge, or intelligence. Stop flattering yourself.

Ninja Football

July 25th, 2008 at 9:25 AM ^

I'm saying there's a gray area, somewhere short of penetration, that is technically illegal, but should probably be handled outside of the criminal courts.

Just wondering- Do you live in Korea because you've had issues in the states? Wouldn't surprise me there, you seem to have too much of a dog in this fight. Either way, I'm done with you. Not because your pseudo intellectualism bores me (which it does) but because I refuse to argue the validity of the above quote with anyone. It's idiotic at best.


July 28th, 2008 at 7:50 AM ^

just realized i could make more money here teaching rich kids and not have to worry about school shootings, unmotivated students, or fox news.  Should jaywalking be a criminal offense?  no it's a civil offense.  Should name calling be a criminal offense? no.  Should looking at someone funny be a criminal offense?  I suppose if it rises to the level or harrasment, but that would still be better handled as a civil complaint.

The dog that I have in this fight is that I like educating, it's just what I do.