Happy Thanksgiving, Love you all, Fuck OSU, I'm already drunk

Submitted by Hard-Baughlls on

Go Blue, Go Harbaugh, Go Bo's memory!

The Team, The Team, The Team!


November 24th, 2016 at 9:54 PM ^

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to start drinking until right now.  I'd love to be drunk earlier, but it wasn't happening.

Fortunately, this was a pretty good Thanksgiving:

1. The Lions won!

2. Dinner, which included a couple of new recipes, turned out really good.

3. Only minor fighting at the family gathering tonight.

4. Only one pregnant cousin was smoking tonight.  Progress!

The last one actually pisses me off.  I tried to talk to her calmly and away from everyone, to try and avoid embarassment, but she didn't give a shit.  


Oh, and Fuck Ohio!


November 25th, 2016 at 9:26 AM ^

woke up yesterday still tipsy from catching up with a friend in town for the holiday the night before. Two glasses of wine, a spiced-rum hot toddy, and a shot of some liquor the lounge gods sent to our table -- wish I knew what it was cuz damn that was good.

Did they charge me for that?