Early Action UM Acceptance Decisions Begin Today

Submitted by Stay.Classy.An… on December 18th, 2019 at 8:36 AM

My fellow MGoPeople,

Today is the beginning of the next four years for those high school seniors who have earned acceptance in the University of Michigan. Emails *should* start going out today and everyone who applied early action will have a decision by December 24th. I bring you this message, as a high school counselor, to congratulate those of you with kids and/or students that will get the fantastic news of their acceptance today! As an alum, I remember when I got my acceptance packet in the mail and how elated I was to go from a tiny ass town in Michigan to Ann Arbor. The best four years of my life were spent in Ann Arbor and it's not even debatable. My wife, whom I love dearly, still doesn't understand my passion for Michigan football and basketball. Even though I have tried earnestly to explain that it is something that doesn't leave you, even though you have left campus. 

TL;DR - Congratulations to all the new members of the University of Michigan class of 2024! 

A Lot of Milk

December 18th, 2019 at 9:15 AM ^

Congrats to all the new Wolverines! 

And to anyone who maybe doesn't get the best news in the world today, take it from me that dreams don't die in an email. Had a rough second half of high school and ended up getting deferred and later rejected. Worked my butt off at a safety school and made it to Michigan in no time flat. They just want to see that you want to go to Michigan more than anything else in the world


December 18th, 2019 at 9:17 AM ^

Have two kids waiting to hear.  Wonder why UM strings out the notices.  Other schools are able to give  a specific day and time when early decisions will be announced.

Special Agent Utah

December 18th, 2019 at 11:11 AM ^

I can’t help but feel sorry for this generation who will never experience the anxiety of going to the mailbox and knowing, before you even opened the letter, if you’d been accepted based solely on its thickness. 



December 19th, 2019 at 6:39 PM ^

Well my kid is only 3 so I have time. Ha!

paying for UM seems like the real hurdle though. Unless public schools become free it’ll be $80k per year by then!! At least