it's Science

September 26th, 2015 at 3:18 AM ^

I was at Rick's back in 2004 the night before the OSU game, and Jeter was there with Posada and Giambi. The central theme of my post would be that Rick's is Jeter's place. Plus, he's probably doing some new GF recon (I'll take Hannah Davis as a hand-me-down).

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September 26th, 2015 at 9:26 AM ^

When I was 18 and hanging out at Rick's all the time, we'd always see old people there (who were probably all of 30-35!) dancing and carrying on. We mocked them and promised to never be them. 

Then again, they weren't Derek Jeter. I suspect we would have given him a pass.

Gil From Omaha

September 26th, 2015 at 12:40 AM ^

Arrived in Ann Arbor about 20 minutes ago! So excited I forced my Dad to drive past the hotel and drive by the stadium. I don't know if I'll sleep tonight. SO EXCITED!! And it'd be an awesome recruiting tool if Jeter shows up tomorrow! Go Blue!!!!

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September 26th, 2015 at 1:44 AM ^

Jeter lived at the end of my hall freshman year.  I met him that first week before classes started and commented on the huge Yankees pendant hanging from his gold chain.  I said, "You a Yankees fan?"  His roommate piped in, "Dude, he plays for the Yankees!"  I said, "Yeah, okay..."  Later in the year, I remember everyone was like "what  happened to that Derek guy at the end of the hall?" because we never saw him (he had been called up and left Michigan).

In 2000, I was at a friend's house the night the Yankees had won the world series and saw the highlights and an interview with him.  I said, "Oh my gosh, that dude lived on my hall freshman year!"  My friend responded, "That's Derek Jeter, the best player in baseball."

I felt like such an idiot.


September 26th, 2015 at 10:23 AM ^

Barry Sanders was at Ricks the Friday night before my graduation ...not drinking and had a nephew/cousin who was graduating or something. I played in a HS baseball tourney against Jeter's KZoo area travel team. He was so far and away the best athlete in the tourney it was absurd. And we had a couple kids drafted by MLB teams too. But he was on a different planet.