College Football Imperialism Map Week 6: GoT analogies

Submitted by crg on

So... other threads have remarked about the latest imperialism map, which was conspicuously absent from the boards this week.  I'll put it here anyway, not to reiterate the loss of our territory, but to show that hope remains to reclaim our homeland and build an empire .…

For those of us who follow Game of Thrones, there are some parallels that are interesting (at least entertaining - which is what this is all about anyway).  Like the Kingdom of the North, we took to the field against the unjust and grasping tyrants to the south.  We had a string of several successes in the campaign and gained some momentum.  Unfortunately, our young leader in the field was lost, and subsequently things fell apart.  Our homeland was taken by an upstart house that had long been a vassal, the tyrants to the south are gloating in our downfall and consolidating their grip on power, and our prospects look to be at their bleakest.  Yet hope remains, if this (very strained) analogy holds.  The North was able to rally and so can Michigan - plenty of chances to recaim our territory and make a conference run or better.


October 13th, 2017 at 7:21 PM ^

Our tyrants to the south are actually north and westeros of us. If you really want to make this analogy work, imagine sparty as our little brother Rickon, running straight across the field as arrows target his back. Sparty/Rickon is so dumb. Just turn around. Walk backwards. Zig. Zag. Do something you little dumbass.