Chicago Blackhawks report is out and beyond damning

Submitted by Hotel Putingrad on October 26th, 2021 at 4:31 PM

Link to the full 107-page report is here:

Basically, the Blackhawks knew the video coach they hired in 2005 had troubling allegations regarding sexual assault of minors already on file when they hired him. They then were told he was abusing their own players during the 2010 playoffs and did nothing. And then they gave him a positive referral to coach at Houghton High School in Michigan after they decided they couldn't keep him on any longer.

GM is out, as are pretty much everybody from the 3-cup era whose last name isn't Wirtz.

One of the darkest days in the history of the sport.


October 26th, 2021 at 7:17 PM ^

I understand crossing your t's and dotting your i's when terminating this guy to avoid accusations of homophobia and possible lawsuits for discrimination but recommending him to a high school seems beyond the pale and totally inexcusable.


October 27th, 2021 at 4:24 AM ^

As far as giving him a positive referral to coach in high school, that sort of thing happens all the time in the educational system. Just Google "pass the trash schools" (the schools helps differentiate it from a card game). It happens far too frequently. I first heard the expression from a colleague whose x wife was an art teacher and had a habit of sleeping with some of the male high school students. She did it in 3 different school districts that he knew of beacause the schools just kept passing the trash.