#ChadTough Giving: My MGoBlog Xmas Challenge

Submitted by holt1974 on
I'm piggybacking on a post from a few days ago but this one is a bit different. Long story short my mother and father-in-law challenge my wife and I to give $100 during the holiday season to any group, individual(s), etc that we see fit and to do it in an way where we try to encourage others to pay it forward or give anonymously to someone in need. We then share our story of giving on Christmas Day when we get together as a family. I know a lot of you have been moved by Chad Carr, especially if you're like me and have kids, so it only felt right this year to involve my MGoBlog family in this idea of giving. I will be donating my "XMas Cash" of $100 to the #ChadTough foundation and sharing Chad's story on Christmas Day to my in-laws. I am challenging all of you that click on this post to donate as well. Please post a comment to this topic of what you are planning on giving. I would love to share with my in-laws the impact this post has on helping to defeat the monster known as DIPG. Go Blue!


December 22nd, 2015 at 12:53 PM ^

...you can donate to the Chad Tough Foundation (among many other worthwhile U-M funds) via deduction from your paycheck. Code is 324553.


I ditched my deduction to the United Way a few years ago (which, based on the e-mails I've seen recently, so have many others) because middlemen and their sticky fingers.


For those who really can't make a donation without having something in it for them, you will earn priority points for your giving.