Buckeye Players Dissent with Big Ten United

Submitted by MDSup3rDup3 on August 7th, 2020 at 1:25 PM

In a surprise to approximately no one, Tuf Borland has put out a statement on behalf of the TSDS football players, saying they don't feel exploited. Then again, when you're being paid to be there, it's probably a different calculus.

Link to full statement below


Ohio State players release a statement to clarify that they do not align with #BigTenUnited. https://t.co/IL4Hman5Cv

— RedditCFB (@RedditCFB) August 7, 2020

Vito Corleone

August 7th, 2020 at 9:26 PM ^

Ohio State players: We are happy and feel that the University has done everything in their power to keep us safe!

People with no contact with the program:  "No they haven't".
