Board notice: Posting Ace Williams Appalachian State (Horror Story) will get you banned and stoned.

Submitted by yoopergoblue on

Ed-S: We're not going to contribute to slandering of Michigan players. Posting anything Ace Williams says will equal insta-ban for the 2012 season. You get no more warnings than this (and the FAQ, and the moderator action sticky, and everything you should know about Ace Williams).

Two  Threeusers now have been sent to Bolivia for the entire 2012 season. They can beg to be reinstated earlier but I am srsly about this.

NOLA Wolverine

August 20th, 2012 at 10:25 PM ^

If you can find video of plays where players are just doing things that are so obviously wrong then post it. An all text article isn't very convincing. The one time I played with a teammate who was blazed out of his mind he jumped on a double count... two seconds after the fact. 


August 20th, 2012 at 10:25 PM ^

The true story is that Ohio paid some sluts a bunch of money to force feed our players pot brownies that day.  

I guess this is reason #1,594,824 to hate Ohio.