Adam Schefter's tribute to wife/family

Submitted by GoWings2008 on
If anyone saw the NFL Gameday report from Adam Schefter, it was rather moving. I never knew the story before today, but his wife lost her first husband on 9/11. Really cool report he did... If you get a chance to see it I highly recommend it.


September 11th, 2016 at 12:33 PM ^

Well, you can post on the app as evidenced by the presence of the comment here, but I think what seems to be happening is that the app is treating posters with under 100 points like they are treated on the normal site, which is that they have to enter a CAPTCHA and then submit. It doesn't seem to work on the app, yet it does because the posts show up on the site. A few people have complained about it. 


September 11th, 2016 at 12:35 PM ^

Among the many terrible, sad, amazing stories from 9-11 is Seth MacFarlane, the Family Guy creator. Long story short, if his alarm goes off on time and he catches his flight, he dies that day. He was supposed to fly from Boston to LA that morning... 

Chalky White

September 11th, 2016 at 2:36 PM ^

Funny how fate works. I saw a guy on TLC who won one of the mega million jackpots. He was supposed to be in the WTC on 9/11 meeting with his advisor and a finance guy in NY but he refused to get on the plane. His finance guy was on the phone with the guy in NY apologizing for stiffing the guy when the first plane hit and the phone went dead. He then called the guy back to thank him for saving his life.

At some point I was watching TLC again. The same guy was on one of those lottery fail shows. He was back on drugs and flat broke. Funny how things work.


September 11th, 2016 at 1:00 PM ^

A very touching many stories have come out of September 11...

However, I can't say I like to relive it every few general, I feel nothing good has come out of it and the US that I live in today does seem to be molded in a very negative way by it.  


September 11th, 2016 at 6:38 PM ^



This whole #neverforget movement may be rooted in a good place, but it is damaging to the country.  We should let ourselves forget.  We should stop letting ourselves be afraid by the terrorist boogeyman.  The level of fear is profoundly unhealthy right now.  You are far more likely to be killed in your car driving to work than by anti-American terrorists.  Get over the terrifying TV footage from 15 years ago and start focusing on what is actually important.


September 11th, 2016 at 9:37 PM ^

Difference being your car is not actively trying to kill you for political/ideologically based reasons. I would also venture you would feel far differently if people you knew had died that day.

There are arguments to be made about how we choose to remember and if we perhaps dwell on it too much, but allowing ourselves to forget just means we get shocked when it happens again.

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September 11th, 2016 at 1:31 PM ^

Just puts everything in perspective. For Adam to honor his wife's first husband, is a truly selfless gesture, and it's inspiring to hear his respect for another man, especially given the circumstances