Colorado Liveblog Comment Count


[Looking for the Colorado preview? It is HERE.]


Thanks to BOBBY for making us liveblog software. We are slowly rolling out more features but the all-important proton torpedoes are now armed and completely operational. Meta feedback in the comments is appreciated.


The yellow/ orange bar is your mana. 
Sending messages costs mana. 
Messages cost more, the more active chat is. 
The red dudes on the side bar are lives remaining.

If you break the Board Rules, you lose a life. Lose three lives and you have to insert a quarter into your monitor. No no keep trying it, it’ll go in. As always, the Liveblog Chaos Mitigation Post is The Law.

Enter the liveblog here: (will open in new window. Sorry no embed yet. Tuesday.)



September 17th, 2016 at 10:26 PM ^

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