PSA: Get your flu shots

Submitted by Gameboy on December 18th, 2019 at 2:24 PM

I wish Brian a speedy recovery, but he also serves as a great reminder for rest of us to get flu shots. I got mine and it is not too late.


December 18th, 2019 at 8:58 PM ^

I wasn’t aware of needing to convince strangers of my story is true. I was sharing my experience. Odd yes against Immunizations and modern medicine absolutely not. Would I advocate for people to get the flu shot yup. I’m just sharing a weird story about the flu shot. I travel a ton and I would say come in contact with different strains of the flu which is the most likely reason why I still contract it. Do I think they’re related no? But I can not take the shot for another year travel to the same parts of the world and if I don’t contract the flu While not having a flu shot I’m not sure what other conclusion to draw from.


December 18th, 2019 at 2:40 PM ^

My 6 year old son woke up at 5 thus AM throwing up. Went to Urgent care this morning and he has the double whammy of strep and influenza at the same time. So his Christmas break started today. Yes, he got his flu shot in the fall. He is extremely sensitive all the time but when he is sick, whoa boy. His younger sister on the other hand is a total trooper. Got strep last week and we had to force her to rest and relax. 


December 18th, 2019 at 3:20 PM ^

I and my family always get it.  If once out of 10 years it ends up keeping someone in my family from getting flu, it is worth it.  Because having the flu sucks and it is so easy and usually free to get a flu shot at the nearest Walgreens or whatever.

What a lot of folks don't know is that flu sometimes can be quite deadly.  The 1918 flu pandemic infected 500 million people, 50 million of whom died of it.

I work in biotech and am very familiar with flu vaccines.


December 18th, 2019 at 3:21 PM ^

I've been getting flue shots since I was about 6.  My father was a Dentist so he could get the vaccine and he'd give the whole family a shot.  That's where I learned shots didnt hurt at all if the person administrating them injected you very slowly.

By the way the anti-vaxxers are just nutjobs.  Every group has them and MGoBlog is no exception.


December 18th, 2019 at 3:29 PM ^

Good Lord. Even this place is infested by these anti vaxx idiots.  Thanks for displaying some fundamental misunderstanding of science. "I got the flu after the shot" "fOrMaLdEhYdE and mErCuRy".  

The Mad Hatter

December 18th, 2019 at 3:38 PM ^

Protip:  Check the CDC website when you're doing your vacation planning.

Back when swine flu was hitting Mexico hard 10-11 years ago their tourism industry crashed.  I booked us an all-inclusive at a super high-end resort like six months out, figuring the flu would be gone by then.  It was and we got to spend a week at a half-empty resort I wouldn't have been able to afford otherwise.  It was like 70% cheaper than their usual rates.


December 18th, 2019 at 3:51 PM ^

As with nearly all of these discussions, outraged anti-anti-vaxxers outnumber actual anti-vaxxers by about 25 to 1.

Congratulations fellas, for being on the side of obvious science, and really working out your insecurities on an easy target.  It may occur to you at some point that if you weren't such a prick they might listen to your factual arguments and links.  Yes, it means you have to listen to their arguments and have a back-and-forth, and be persuasive.  Too good for that?  Yes, yes then saying they're too dumb to understand and not worth it is the way to make a positive difference in the world. 


December 18th, 2019 at 4:03 PM ^

The collective venom that people have been essentially taught to direct toward people who are apprehensive about vaccinations is actually very odd, in and of itself.  Look at some of the statements above this.  It is legit unabridged hate.  


December 18th, 2019 at 6:11 PM ^

I agree that the collective good achieved outweighs any individual concerns, but think it is quite childish to classify anybody concerned about unknown vaccination risks as idiots and degenerates.  People need to do it, I agree.  But they do not have to like it.


December 18th, 2019 at 7:03 PM ^

See, there it is.  Vaccinations is an issue for insecure people.  You not only want people to agree regarding vaccinations, you want to dominate them with your beliefs.  You want to humiliate anybody who may have ANY other view that yours, even while conceding the central point.  To call the “degenerates” and other terrible names.  You don’t care about public health, you care about feeling better than other people and want somebody to be able to shit on.  That’s you.