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Anyone else get through the…

Anyone else get through the first 1/3 of this and scroll to the bottom in a panic to make sure this wasn't Brian announcing his retirement?  Brian, this is some dark shit, hope you're just tired from work, kids, etc.

From the article:


From the article:

Jones alleges, the player made a "simple statement" to Alexander, to which Alexander responded by grabbing his crotch and telling Jones to "suck my (expletive)."

A coach grabbing a player's junk, with or without the "expletive," is assault.  I'd suggest anyone reads the full article before calling out the player on this one.  OP, you should consider editing your post, if for nothing else to include some relevant details.

How about an LS1 in a…

How about an LS1 in a Delorean?  A mechanical engineering student did it as his senior design project, check out the website:

(No subject)

A German Supra?  Nope nope nope.

100%, I would content the…

100%, I would contend the viability of the Big 3 was in question starting in circa 1980-85 and the question was answered in the most recent recession that they indeed are not viable.  GM went bankrupt and the current GM isn't even the same company that existed prior to the recession and is profitable because they do well in China, Ford barely made it by "mortgaging" everything including the family name, and Chrysler really isn't a company anymore, just the NA wing of a European conglomerate that isn't doing so well itself.

I'm 38, married a fellow UM…

I'm 38, married a fellow UM grad, and we both have family roots in MI for over 4 generations.  We moved out after graduation for the best jobs/opportunities, have gone from Indiana to North Carolina, and now California.  I think there are 2 other important points I haven't seen brought up yet:

  1. Mobility = better career progression.  Being flexible on location opens the door to many more job opportunities.  You have the most flexibility in your 20s, no kids, just getting started, etc, etc.  If anything, I would encourage being as open as possible location wise coming out of school.  You can always come back, and I have many friends who have done just that.  They may move 2-3 times in the first 10 years out of school, in fact, that might be the best possible thing for them!  Get as much career progression as you can when you are young and only need to worry about yourself.
  2. Think longer term regarding family  The ability to travel to visit family back in MI is at its highest coming out of school.  Again, you are in your 20s, don't have attachments, and likely have more disposable income (depending on the job situation).  Once your kids have a family of their own, the cost and more importantly the stress of travel goes WAY up.  So, if they are the type that being close to home and seeing family frequently is a high priority for them, they will likely want to move back anyway.  Move around, maximize opportunities now, then come back to MI when ready to have a family and travel is more difficult.

Moving around and living in other places really opened my eyes up to the realities of SE Michigan, where I had lived my whole life.  I had every intention of staying in the midwest and as close to family as possible.  Now, I would never consider going back to the region, let alone MI.  This is a very personal decision and will depend on many factors for your kids.  Bottom line, do you want to restrict them from seeing what is out there and coming to their own conclusion?

Riding the wave of the industrial age from 1850-2000 in Michigan was amazing and provided so much for my family and my wife's family.  For that, I will be eternally grateful.  In my opinion, there are some very systemic issues in SE MI and the whole upper midwest.  It may be true the best opportunities for most of the next generations exist outside of Michigan.

MSU has a school of…

MSU has a school of journalism, UM doesn't.  Size of the talent pool available certainly plays a factor as well.

I don't listen to or read…

I don't listen to or read either of them normally, but it is interesting that the two MSU alums Mike V and Nick B said basically the same thing this week: MSU fans, stop whining, this is EXACTLY what you've wanted for a long time and UM gets to own the narrative afterwards because they won.  I think this is the first time I've listened to Mike V since his hilarious Notre Dame loss rant years back, but I think he's also spot on about the MSU coaching staff, too much loyalty to under-performing assistants.

Rishi (UGP) needs to get on…

Rishi (UGP) needs to get on this ASAP.

CostCo Sample Lines

Idiots who block access to an aisle because they stacked their carts up while they are eating their samples.  I'm trying to get my shopping done, move to the side after you get your sample!

Gonna be that guy, I guess...

I'm not that cynical

I really doubt that is Brian's motive here.  I actually would enjoy engaging in a discussion on his post, as it hits on a lot of my non-sports interests including transit, NIMBY vs. density, the definition of and pros/cons of libertarianism, etc.  I will not express my opinions on those matters here, as that directly contradicts my point.

That point is: it would be great to have a discussion on the political future of AA in a forum where it is welcome, not in a forum where politics have been banned for 10 years.  I think Brian could pull that off easily, either through a new blog or guest-posting on an existing blog.  In the end, I think he'd end up with more clicks.  He'd keep his entire reader base here at mgoblog happy, those here who WANT politics could go to the other forum, and then he'd get to add those who enjoy AA politics and don't necessarily care about Michigan Athletics in this other forum.

It seems he's taking a big risk at killing his golden goose here by directly contradicting a major pillar in his mission statement that's served him quite well for 10+ years.  There are many viable alternatives available.

I just don't get it.



I not suprised at all you finally itched the need to address politics, you wrote for the Review as a student, right?  However, there are so many ways you could have scratched this itch while maintaining the no politics rule on mgoblog.  Write a letter to the editor of the paper, post link on mgoblog.  Talk to Rob Goodspeed about partnering to bring back (he's back in AA and hell, he's even a professor in urban development).  Post that you also have info over there about AA issues, but won't address them further on mgoblog.  Etc, etc.

I know this is your blog, and I'm sure you thought long about this, but I just can't understand your conclusion to do this when there are so many viable alternatives that achieve your goal of increasing knowledge of the issues facing AA today without endangering mgoblog.

Most UM thing ever?

In athletics and academics, UM is rarely #1, but almost always in the top 25.  We are consistently really, really good at almost everything.  We look great in agregate but sometimes are not at the top of the list in individual rankings, where other institutions put all their eggs in one basket, we are leaders in all.

Respect to FSU

You have to respect FSU.  They make the Top 10 in a quantitative ranking that starts in 1936 despite the fact they didn't even have a program until 1947 and didn't make a single poll in the 1950s.

A lot going on in Nov 17, 1994!

Of you think a cassette for $6.99 is a great deal, check out the classifieds:

  • BEER SWEATSHIRTS: L-XXX, just call the 800 number!!
  • Pentium 90 PC for $1999, including a 14" SVGA monitor!!!!!

Other highlights:

  1. Daily OpEd stating Judge Ito made correct decision to allow TV's into OJ trial
  2. Letter to editor calling for firing of Moeller and Carr because "Michigan is currently ranked number 20 in the country. This is not where any Michigan team should be ranked."
  3. Ad for grand opening of Steve and Barrys on State Street
  4. Article on decision to put Bruegger's Bagels at location of former Drake's Sandwich
  5. 1994 Men's BBall tipoff insert for King and Jackson's senior season
Larry Page invented the North Campus Monorail!

Larry Page, co-founder of Google and current CEO of Google's parent company, Alphabet, originally proposed a UM monorail in 1994 when he was president of the UM EECS Fraternity:

Link to article in the Michigan Daily:

Also, link to article in the Michigan Alumnus discussing his proposal.

So, did the ETW get its start by mocking the future inventor of Google?!?!

I would like to have seen Montana.

No engineering at all

IU doesn't have an engineering program.

Thankfully no one was hurt

Four teenagers from my hometown were killed by drunk drivers within a week during the end of my sophomore year in HS.  The combination of alcohol and driving is deadly, and thankfully Fitz and Stonum were lucky enough to avoid hurting an innocent victim.  Perhaps we can all focus on how to prevent this from happening instead of talking about the Bama game. Maybe the parents of the victims listed below (or any others) could meet with the team to discuss the impact drunk driving can have as a start?……

We're All Fans, Just Different Types of Fans I actually believe, on average, the non-grad fans are more rabid supporters of the football team. I wish there were more of them in the stadium so it would be a bit louder on gameday! UM grads tend to be much more fair-weather than our non-grad comrades, as has been mentioned in other comments here. I totally agree: the more the merrier!! However, I also think grad fans have a greater loyalty to UM as an entire institution vs. the non-grad fans who are loyal to UM ATHLETICS. Example: After the year of infinite pain, I was strongly in the camp of Lloyd Carr supporters. At the time, I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House in Indianapolis and met a person who worked for Indiana U's football coaching staff. I mentioned to this person that I was a UM alum and disappointed with UM's record against tOSU the past few years. Very long story short, the guy said Coach Hep was doing everything he could to emulate UM's program at IU. He said that Lloyd was the ONLY coach in the Big Ten who valued winning AND developing his players through discipline and education AND followed all the NCAA rules. I wasn't surprised to hear about the shortcomings of the buckeye program, but I was very surprised to find out he had a lot of negative things to say about JoePa's behavior, too. I was never more proud to be a UM alum than on that day. Bottom line, I think the non-grad fans at that point would be more likely to say: "I don't care that more of his kids go to class, they went 7-5! Time to retire!" Whereas, more of the grads would be more likely to say: "I'll put up with one bad year if I know he will continue to represent our school so well."