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Congressman Dingell was a…

Congressman Dingell was a fierce fighter for his constituents, a great leader in Congress, and a good man. Everyone who work under him and alongside him have only the deepest respect for his legacy. 

I'll always remember his passionate love for his wife - "The Lovely Deborah." 

He was a good man. You can't say that about many leaders who had the sort of long career that he had. 

Just because it's always…

Just because it's always been this way doesn't make it ok. 

If anything, increased awareness makes it imperative we either do something or not endorse it with our time and money. 

I do not discount any of…

I do not discount any of this. I think organized sports can be such a positive experience for so many people. It was for me! 

I guess my comment was more about this culture of corruption that eats up far more than the player's bodies (although that is also very significant). 

I've always held two thoughts in my head at once 1) I love watching Michigan football and following this sport AND 2) I want to see things change throughout. 

The more that 2 seems less likely makes 1 feel less fun and joyful. 

This is clearly something for me and my therapist. Just a lament. I used to hang out these boards and read this blog religiously. My disinterest hasn't been driven by the quality of Brian's work or the team's performance. 

The fact that MSU has not…

The fact that MSU has not lost its accreditation and been kicked out of the NCAA makes me the saddest. 

I started feeling this way…

I started feeling this way at the beginning of last season. Maybe I'm getting older (I'm 30 now), but I just feel less interest in spending 4 hours on a Saturday supporting a sport that is so utterly horrible for other humans. 

The heck does that even mean. The heck does that even mean. Pray tell what is proper man hair.
This sucks Thoughts are with the young mans family.

If anyone is having thoughts of suicide please reach out to someone close to to or call 1-800-273-8255.
I use PlayStation Vue. I love

I use PlayStation Vue. I love it. I have the second level package which is $45 and includes BTN. 

I live in NYC, but I really like it. 

I don't have kids

but.... I feel this pretty hard core. 

I am living with a morally bankrupt contradiction of loving football and hating a system/sport that destroys humans. I don't know what to do with that. 

That was one of the more

That was one of the more badass things I ever saw. Get ejected from Michigan Stadium? Flip over 100000 the bird... totally legit move. 

That was one of the more

That was one of the more badass things I ever saw. Get ejected from Michigan Stadium? Flip over 100000 the bird... totally legit move. 

I am a huge football fan.

I will also admit that my fandom is at odds with knowledge that the sport is super, hyper bad for brains. 

I have a theory that in 30-50 years football will no longer by a 3 sport in America. I think it will go the same way boxing has. 

I do not know in what order these events will happen (maybe concurently), but... 

  • As scientific evidence gathers the number of kids entering the talent pipeline will begin to decrease... starting with wealthy families. 
  • A growing movement of high schools will drop football as families become less interested and the science shows how bad this is for younger brains. 
  • There may be lawsuits at the high school level.
  • These lawsuits will pick up... supported by gathering scientific evidence. 
  • Colleges - notably lawsuit averse institutions - will move to limit their expo
  • sure to these suits. Programs that are already subsidized or barely profitable will close. 
  • At some point a class action will be brough against the NCAA or some other organization. 
  • As the pipeline of talent becomes poorer and more geographically isolated the number of folk watching the NFL will decrease (we are already seeing a decrease in viewership here). 

At some point the whole system will dry up. Maybe this is all loony talk, but I do not think it is completly out of the realm of possibility. 

I was there. It was the bleakest. I was there. It was the bleakest.

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Yeah. Used to live in NOLA, Yeah. Used to live in NOLA, would grab cheap bowl tickets if available. Also, went to Indiana at the Pinstripe Bowl last year.... I love going to other folks games.... just cheer for chaos and good football.

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Your comment was perfectly Your comment was perfectly level headed. I'll apologize on behalf of the fan base for all the stupid hurt that was thrown at you.

My OSU friends and I are all in agreement. We want a rematch.

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Can we not with the casual sexism? Can we not with the casual sexism?

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Just beautiful. 


I love this video. Fantastic

I love this video. Fantastic job.

I straight up lol'd when #BeatRutgers appeared on the screen. 

This was a great great read.

This was a great great read. His yearly keynote columns are all really good. 

Ace - I've been a reader

Ace - I've been a reader since 2006 when I knew nothing about football and had to figure out how to talk to other freshmen males on my West Quad floor.

Thank you for writing this. This is what I expect to see come from MGoBlog when it comes to analysis beyond stats. Thank you for all of the work and soul you put into this blog.

For those who are "turned off" by this piece or think it has no place. I even see some people say this blog shouldn't be critical... Don't read the piece. Read the coverage of 2016 Tight Ends.... Or read it and get made or upset or sad.... your choice. 

Either way - this is totally something this blog should write. To say they shouldn't write a piece like this because its critical of Harbaugh or off topic ignores allllllllll of the great reporting on Brandon and Hoke - much of which was not ABOUT THE GAME and was much more in line with this. 

Again, thank you Ace. 

Then don't read it.

Then don't read it.

Ok. Someone on the internet is wrong...

1. Completely different situations. People have been convicted. Sexual violence happened. These are facts. 

2. Read up on the report. Here you go. I provided a link to a summary because you apparently cannot use the Google yourself. I also think this article does a great job of reading and comprehending. 

3. The school - specifically the football staff - inserted itself into investigations of rape and sexual violence. Convincing survivors to not file reports and drop charges. You can keep bleeting about the police, but we have evidence the school purposely interfered with investigations to ensure they ended. 

4. The school - broadly - developed systems that disuaded people from reporting. You had to be brave and persistent to have your case heard. 

5. Seperately - and this is not the jurisdiction of the school - we will probably see findings from the feds about the behavior of Waco PD. If you do not think a police department in a small town with ties to the town's largest employer and football team cant be persuaded.... then I will never be able to convince you because you are living in a different reality. 

Cops get paid extra to cover games. What would happen if that all went away? Less money for everyone. Or, maybe, people in power talk to other people in power and make things happen. It is not a crazy thing to imagine.... 

Regardless, we have proof the school was wrong. 

Your committment to being

Your committment to being loud and wrong is pretty impressive. I do not understand the urge to defend another team's coach on a Michigan blog over the cover up of rape and sexual violence. Did you read the report or any news articles about this??? Because you are charging head first into a comment section being both loud and wrong. 


I think the CFB system is

I think the CFB system is pretty racist, yes. Maybe not racist,  but exploitative along a couple of different lines... race and class. 

It is a hypocrisy, but we are

It is a hypocrisy, but we are humans who live at the junction of many different hypocritical beliefs and actions at once. This is why we have secular and non-secular saints... they point the way. (Although your fave is problematic, as the internet says). 

Football (especially CFB) is most likely super abusive. Schools do not pay players and we don't know the extent by which playing (for no money) in college destroys their bodies. Think of the running backs who have exploded their legs in college thus ending a promising career in the pros. My theory is that the entire system will start to collapse in the next 30-50 years as first wealthier, whiter parents pulls their kids from football and then the lawsuits start forcing schools out of the game. Colleges hate lawsuits. 

That being said - I love watching. I am a massive Michigan fan - I was raised to be a Wolverine. I will pay to go to one or two games this year (probably at Ruters... woo). I hope the school is doing as much as possible to protect players (side eye at you Hoke) and I hope they start getting paid soon. 

Until then... I'll live in my hypocrisy and my future imaginary kid will never ever play. 

You are the most man that has

You are the most man that has ever manned. Congrats. 

Say what you will about Say what you will about Deadspin (and if you read to the end the author calls out deadspin), but this is a well reported rundown of what happened. And analysis of the media.

Good job.

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This is disgusting. 

This is disgusting. 

This is excellent info. Thank

This is excellent info. Thank you! 

I don't have reservations at I don't have reservations at prod thoms in NYC is it worth going???

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I don't have advice on this. I don't have advice on this. Just want to say that this is awesome. I don't have grandparents and I wish I had been able to do something like this.

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It takes..

It takes Star Wars: The Force Awakens to get me even remotely hyped about Iowa football, but dammit... it did. 

The argument here is great

1) You demand change on a specific policy.... critics say you are not focusing on the big picture system. 

2) You demand change of the big picture syste... critics (usually the same critics) say you are not giving a specific policy demand to fix. 

This is a great win for organizing AND shows what happens when you have players who are not paid but in a position of significant power.


Expat Nola resident checking Expat Nola resident checking in... They have a spirit group that hosts regular watch parties. I always found home at Tracey's but that could have changed.

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Well... It was filmed. Probably some evidence in there. Well... It was filmed. Probably some evidence in there.

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I think the lack of consent I think the lack of consent is implied by charges being filed. Also with the movement against "revenge porn" and general use of images without consent you should stay on the side of... Don't freaking film stuff especially if you don't have consent.

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I attended one basketball game while I was at Michigan (this is bad. I know this. I wasn't into sports as much and that team was ungood for so long), but I went to the game where he attended as a recruit. 

Same feeling when it didn't happen. 

Woof... jokes about the

Woof... jokes about the murder of unarmed civilians.

This is a political issue.

This is a political issue. Philosophical if you want to be really generous. Just because the coach weighed in doesn't make it not political. 

I prefer my Michigan sports blog without bad political analysis, soapboxing, and America dick-wagging. 

(This coming from a guy who lives, works, and breathes politics as my full time job and passion) 

This is a political issue.

This is a political issue. Philosophical if you want to be really generous. Just because the coach weighed in doesn't make it not political. 

I prefer my Michigan sports blog without bad political analysis, soapboxing, and America dick-wagging. 

(This coming from a guy who lives, works, and breathes politics as my full time job and passion) 


Can we not have this discussion. Can we not have this discussion.

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Ummm really? Ummm really?

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I completely agree. One of

I completely agree. One of the worst coaching moments in the last couple of years. Coupled with just nasty weather conditions (IIRC).  

I wish him the best. 

Sorry. You can't say its an

Sorry. You can't say its an outright lie. You can say misinterpreted, but you can't say its an outright lie. We just do not know. 

Also, who is to say this is not something Mattison said. Sometimes you say something that is not savvy - sometiems you haev offdays. I don't get why we suddenly jump to automatic conclusions about everyone invovled here. 

I also find it funny that people think "You wouldn't get into Michigan otherwise" is some kind of #realtalk #toughtalk that is par for the course and should be expected by a good recruiter. I personaly dont think emphasizing or leading with the negative is a smart negotiating tactic. 

Then again. We do not know. So we can't make any statement at all, which was my original point. 

Can this thread try to stay

Can this thread try to stay away from making character/moral judgments on some teenage kid and his family? Stick to football and what this means to our current class. 

Parents with a saught-after recruit are put in a situation where you either 1) become a manager of a product that will earn some institution a bunch of money (a product once known as your child) or 2) allow that kid to be taken advantage of. I can only imagine what headspace that puts you in as a parent. 

He is not coming here. End of story. Keep up the solid recruting. 

I really got into rooting for I really got into rooting for them vs Bama. That was just a beautiful thing to see. Plus the OSU bros at the bar were generous with the drinks after joined in an OH-IO chant.

That being said. I'd never do it again.

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I know football coaches I know football coaches aren't saints, but Bielma would literally show up at Madison's version of skeeps and rip shots with undergrads.

Something tells me Michigan's culture warriors would run him out of town faster than rich rod.
As Brian has said... they go

As Brian has said... they go far and wide to put together a pool of interested folks. Why would you not throw David Brandon in there?

Think back to when he was hired.... Michigan was undertaking some massive construction projects - Dominos was undergoing a pretty successful turn around - and here was a guy who was super psyched about Michigan. Of course he would be in the pool.

It is on Michigan for hiring him. 

I met the band outside. A I met the band outside. A high school band that was totally stoked to see some michigan fans. They played us a drum line as we walked down the street.

Props for that.