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posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone

You jump to conclusions. Psychiatric help doesn't necessarily mean medication. Not being cut out for college is one thing. Squandering talent, running from program to program is another. He may be anything along the spectrum from just dumb and not cut out for college to depressed to bipolar to schizophrenic. Plus there was the report last winter about him in what may have been a suicide attempt IIRC. Netter to seek out help and be told there is nothing wrong than to have a thread posted about an unfortunate event

posted from iPhone

And you base this broad sweeping generalization off of an n of...? I can't speak for other charters, but many in NYC produce fewer dropouts, fewer criminals, boast higher graduation rates and higher college matriculation rates than their standard public schhool counterparts. Not a controlled experiment by any means, but the correlation with better results is there.
<br>As far as greedy businessmen: if someone can do a better job, produce better results, and make a profit in the process, then everybody wins. If the results were poor or not worth costs, kids wouldn't go out of their way to go there. The fact remains that most (if not all) charter schools operate on a smaller per child budget than standard public schools. Get rid of beurocracy, and costs go down and efficiency and productivity go up.

posted from iPhone

Sentences should have a clear subject and predicate and clauses should be separated by punctuation.

posted from iPhone

Is he the punter for UMass?

posted from iPhone

I never liked the soviet judge. Always giving a 1 when a 9.5 was warranted

posted from iPhone

If you don't want to read it, then don't read it. Stop trying to impose regulations on everyone. We are outside of football regular season... Relax

posted from iPhone

I don't think his commentary on cam newton's family payments or Trent Richardson's expanding list of progeny before marriage means he is a racist. Nowhere in there did he mention that those problems were a result of race. I would make the same points if Carson Palmer was found to be paid or if Peyton manning had litters of kids outside marriage. I think your insertion of race into an issue where it doesn't matter or wasn't even mentioned probably demonstrates your own racist tendencies and prevents progress of society.

posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone

Perhaps we can have an easily accessed and utilized system that sorts threads similar to the dewy decimal system. Then, if one wants to see a YouTube video of yuri wright, they could just go to the 870's section of the library and find it. But how can I find a picture if a cat eating spaghetti?

posted from iPhone

Mods. Ax this guy. Not only is it political... But his views are totally wrong

posted from iPhone

The family resemblance of your brother and you beneath him is striking

posted from iPhone

Come on guys. It's all ball bearings these days

posted from iPhone

I feel bad for the guy who has to bear having the shirtless man's balls pressed against the back of his head. Awesome picture? I think we have proven otherwise.

posted from iPhone

Cool story bro

posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone

I doubt it. Last year denard rarely improvised on pass plays. A great example is the TD to Hemingway on a 3rd and long against Illinois: denard had an easy scramble for a first down yet instead chose to zing it to hemingway into blanket coverage. This month, he would have run it given the dame situation. Maturity

posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone

The winner

posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone

Ward is unforgettable. Coming out of high school, he could hit 3-pointers with equal accuracy with his right or left hand. As turned out, he continued that trend in college -- about 20%. He was supposed to be the next Scottie Pippen -- unfortunately he was the Scottie Pippen who played after MJ retired


I think we have found our winner.

posted from iPhone

The essays are just there to make sure you speak English and aren't a total psychopath. Let your scores do the talking and don't be memorable in any way on your essays. I did this for college, med school, and residency. It works.

posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone

Flux Capacitor

posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone
posted from iPhone

House and condo rentals at VA beach are typically for the week. The VA beach Hilton is a little expensive... but you get what you pay for: Great beach access. Great restaurants nearby and within hotel.