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They didn't refute any of…

They didn't refute any of that.  They said Russian isn't a Communist state.  I can't believe I still have to say this in 2023, but Communism and Authoritarianism are not synonyms.

If you want to fall in love…

If you want to fall in love with Jennifer Lawrence, I suggest Winter's Bone.  Incredible movie.  Even better book.

I'm just here to applaud the…

I'm just here to applaud the use of the subjunctive.  What a rare treat.

You are just the worst.

You are just the worst.

Seth replied, himself, right…

Seth replied, himself, right above your post, with an explanation of his thinking and a mea culpa about not cyan'ing Mertz last week.  This is an aggressively bad take.

Man, Seth, with Brian "out,"…

Man, Seth, with Brian "out," and Ace gone, this entire enterprise seems to have fallen on your shoulders, and what's been lost in width has been gained in depth!  I do miss Brian's excellent DFW impression, but I respect the hell out of your stepping into this void and filling it with your voice.  What a miracle it is to write long enough to find one's voice!  I have many fist-shaking thoughts about our economic system that I am currently keeping out of the comments, simply because you asked nicely.  Civility!  It's crazy what treating people like adults can accomplish.

Where did you catch this…

Where did you catch this replay?

Trolling is a art, bud.  Don…

Trolling is a art, bud.  Don't quit your day job.

They're not pushing back…

They're not pushing back because they disagree -- they're pushing back because you're arguing with a straw man.  Nobody here is trying to lay this on Lovie's head entire. 

This is unacceptably false,…

This dog-whistle bullshit is truly the pits, and yet it can't be argued with because it's neither based in fact nor presented in good faith.  I don't know where this shit originates, or the circumstances in your life that made you susceptible to its siren song -- but it's fucked, and so are you, and now that it's become ubiquitous, so are we all.   

BLM is not one block of people who all want and think the same thing.  It's an oppressed race of people demanding equality after 400 hundred years of persecution.  That's the singular unifying maxim across the movement.  Everything else is variable from place to place, person to person.  What isn't variable is the anger, and the sadness, and the exhaustion of having to force the nation to have this stupid conversation over and over and over again.  BLM is also not simply Socialism, and Socialism is not simply Marxism; nothing is that simple.  Any form of government can be perverted and fall to fascism.  That's a human thing, not a Socialism thing.

And Socialism is a great many things.  Universal Healthcare -- free healthcare, for you! -- is Socialism.  You don't have to re-invent the USSR and dissolve the free market to have humane Socialist policies -- the Socialist Democracies of the world are not a new invention, and as of this writing, they have not yet fallen to fascism.  Whether your post was trolling, or whether you really believe this is irrelevant.  How you've been convinced to rail against even a national healthcare OPTION, the norm in every other developed nation on earth, I will never understand.  Even if YOU don't need it, do you know how many people in America live in poverty, grinding out minimum wage jobs all their lives?  How many millions and millions of people?  This extreme selfishness will probably go unpunished on earth, let's be honest, but you're going to have a hell of a time explaining to St Peter (desperately, eyeing the "down" elevator all the while) why millions of poor people in your own country didn't deserve health care.  Good luck with that chat.

For all this talk of Christianity and of being a "Christian" nation, there is nothing of Christ in this Ayn Rand/Gordon Gecko Republicanism.  Fucking nothing.  It is an utterly barren philosophy, with no heart, no kindness, no compassion, no idealism to aspire to, much less fall short from.  It's a philosophy of selfishness, based on a stupid inside joke that all people are secretly pieces of shit, so screw 'em; with worship daily at the altars of extreme wealth accumulation.   

And there are millions of people just like you, getting and spreading this barren nothing, everywhere, every day, on every form of social media.

We are fucked.  We are a fucked species.

God help us.

Have a nice day. 

I just re-read the…

I just re-read the Chronicles of Prydain, as an old-ass man, and they held up incredibly well.  Light plot, lots of excellent characterization, strong female characters, lots of little morals and moments of personal growth.  Great books for children.  Great books, period.

This is a good and valid…

This is a good and valid point, but it points to a larger problem, namely that providing basic sustenance and domestic support is a burden that has fallen on the education system because it's the last standing social program with "meaningful" funding in impoverished communities -- In the richest country on earth.  But any first-day teacher can tell you the schools don't have enough "meaningful" funding to fulfill their OWN mandate, which is, obviously, education. 

This is just one example out of thousands of the effects of "starving the beast," where the burden of social support falls increasingly on programs not designed to handle them.  Then the wealthy point to these ailing programs, the result of their intentional handiwork, and go, "wow look how inefficient that is!"  Their wet dream is to sell the social safety net for parts, then swoop in and "provide" that "service" by inserting themselves into the situation in pursuit of profit.  Corporate morality is not Judeo-Christian morality, it's not the ethics of service, or self-sacrifice, or pursuit of the public good.  In corporate morality, profit is good, loss is bad.  Period.  They want to prey on these people. 

If we hadn't destroyed our own social safety net, if 1 in 5 Americans didn't live well below the poverty line, then you wouldn't have to send kids back to school simply to protect them from their own domestic situation and ensure they don't starve.  You could make that decision based on, you know, education.    The same could be said about the police force, and the insane array of things they are expected to handle while over-armed and under-trained.  If we addressed mental health as a society, it would change policing for the better overnight.

But of course we won't, because that's not the Fox News/Sinclair line of marching orders; because it doesn't benefit the mega-corporations (global entities without nationality or morality) who run this country. 

It just benefits the people who live here.

Does it, though?

Does it, though?

Man, you are a mystery to me…

Man, you are a mystery to me.  If you aren't a troll, then how do you spin all the criticism?  Do you tell yourself you're just a hard-boiled messenger of the truth in a world too soft to handle it?  That you're the prophet of a 5-star gospel that the masses will thank you for, someday, after they've crucified you?  My god, you're getting told every day, all the time, that the manner in which you present information is terrible, and yet still you soldier on with this godforsaken crusade.  Lots of people critique the program here and don't get crucified for it -- look at yourself, Maizen, my dude, and consider why you, specifically, do.  Sports fandom, at its heart, is about hope.       

Well shit, Maizen.  Let…

Well shit, Maizen.  Let nobody say your narrative lacks consistency, or that you don't have a pin-hole-pure vision for its constant implementation.  Why you've chosen this hill to die on is beyond me, but there you are, day in and day out... dying.  I really hope it's rewarding in some way that I'm missing.

My man, this is the best…

My man, this is the best damn comment I've seen here in weeks.  This place has devolved into angry mouth-breathers pumped up on their own rage, frustrated by both the football team's failure and their inability to understand it, loudly trying to lash out at someone -- anyone.  And yet, it's also here where I come for solace when this fandom thing gets dark.  And I come because there are still people here with the patience to weather the storms of emotion and react with measured perspective.  So thanks for being part of that.  As far as football goes, I think you're absolutely right:  breaking serve is the perfect analogy. 

The modern game, with elite athletes, is weighted towards offense -- we may not want that to be true, but it's been a fact for over a decade now.  I've gone into every version of The Game for the past ten years clutching my peals, because I know in my heart of hearts that the odds favor OSU's offense on any given drive.  That's just an ugly fact that needs to be reckoned with honestly.  If we were any less of a blue-blood, that would be a death sentence.  But Michigan?  We are that blue-blood. 

We are a perennial top-ten recruiter, with the talent at the skill positions to throw down a wicked serve of our own.  We have the money and the gravitas to attract great offensive minds.  I say we gear up and start stroking aces.  I would say Pep needs to go.  Let his be the head.  Get it to the athletes in space.  Pass to run.  If the tackles can't handle that, get weird with it; put DPJ in the slot and run some damn RPOs, I know they're in the playbook.  Run real read options.  We not only have the tools to do open it up, we have demonstrated the capacity.  Next year we should finally have the O-line to match. 

Against OSU this team looked tentative, afraid of making mistakes, and understandably so -- we've been playing a painstaking brand of always-on-schedule football that requires perfection against elite talent.  I'm sick of subdued Harbaugh.  Whatever the offense looks like next year, I say it's time he lets the fires rage again.  The team needs him alive and roaring.  Refs be damned, throw that god damn clipboard, play the game as it is, not as you want it to be, with some gamble, some daring.  We have all the kindling to light a great fire next year.  I say set that spark. 

Destroy them.  Win with fucking cruelty.

That's what I think.


I missed the game!  Can…

I missed the game!  Can anybody help a brother out?  It's not on youtube and I can't find a torrent.  After last weekend I need... I need this... 

Joined 9 days ago.  Oh,…

Joined 9 days ago.  Oh, buddy. 

I feel a certain sadness that you've drained these minutes off the counter-clock of your life to come here and kick people who are down.  Someday you'll be on your death bed, wishing you had just five more minutes to spend with your loved ones, to say a last goodbye, to hold their hands and tell them how much they meant to you, and... Those five minutes will be here.  Just sitting here, frozen in time; petty, and small, and misspent like so many others.   

Or is the joke on me?

Do you have no loved ones?

Man, I would have such egg on my face.

Does anyone have video for…

Does anyone have video for this?  I often have a weirdly hard time finding video clips for coach interviews.  Being unable to work the googles makes me feel old.  I am not old!

Well you see, Random Number…

Well you see, Random Number Generator had a couple of gay experiences in college (over a long enough time, that roll was bound to happen).  And Chuck?  Well, Chuck finds the quivering thrill of that thought problematic for his self-concept as definitely-not-gay-at-all-not-even-a-little-no-you-are-no-you're-going-to-hell-i-hate-you-i-i-want-you-god-help-me-i-hate-myself-NO-i'm-NOT-GAY-MAN dude. 

Ah, shoot, I have a not here from his attorneys.  He demands we cease mentioning the quivering thrills.

Discord vetting and Reddit Username on both: billy_black

I need that sweet Reddit karma to get my next star — hit me up, gentlemen.
Karma; I needs it!

I went to r/cfb to post something, anything, in an attempt to farm karma, and somehow it became a rant about advertising.  Go, my droogs, toss me some upvotes and I'll star up and march on OSU.  Down with commercials.  Down with advertising.  Down with Brutus.  Up with miniskirts.

Username:  Billy_black…

Well my goodness

Aren’t you just a delight? This display of class and grace and humble erudition has been great, really, thank you for stopping by to bless us with your contribution.  And truly, it was just splendidly generous of you to flop the sweaty pimpled dick that is your insecurity on the table while you were here. 


Got myself a Telecaster with a beautiful ash body, all clean and shiny wood, with a Peavy Delta Blues 30 watt tube amp.  I had previously been an acoustic guitar man, exclusively, and this is a whole new aural world of sonic possibility -- it's gorgeous.  Much good.  Many joy.

It’s an awful situation No more, no less. Your relish in this is rivalry related — just stop.
Oh my... Friend, here’s the thing: free markets don’t exist without governments. The incentive for every actor in a free market is maximizing profit above all else. The best way to maximize profit is monopoly, or collusion among giants to create a de facto monopoly. Pure capitalism without government is a labor landscape without labor laws — child labor, for example, was not something we were able to trust corporations not to do (for modern examples look at any and all developing nations).

Without government enforcement of equality of opportunity, monopolies rise and consumers and labor get fucked. It’s not evil, so much as it’s water flowing out to find its limit. These are the incentives of the system. Net Neutrality is a framework which requires ISPs to treat all packets as equal, to not artificially interfere with traffic speeds (read: deliberately slow traffic). The destruction of that is a benefit purely to the giant telecoms that have their fingers around that throat. Repealing NN allows them to squeeze.

What has caused us to fall behind globally are artificial private monopolies built around a service that operates like a utility. That needs to be fixed if we want South Korean speeds, but instead we are going to repeal NN and make it worse. This will create massive barriers to entry — the ironic opposite of your talking point.
This... Is a special kind of stupid hot take. Wisconsin is Barry Alvarez’ baby. If you hire Bret “keg stand” Bielma, you’re not getting Wisconsin, you’re getting Arkansas.

Have you seen Arkansas?

This game was called beautifully — there were receivers running open all game. That bitter taste comes from a quarterback whose best was, predictably, rage-inducingly bad. Hire Bret Bielma? No, child, I say we fire you instead.

It's a home game though, so, M00O?  I'd take a halftime mooo.

...Something, something, until the cows come home...

Thank you You’re a force for good here, along with a specific handful of rational posters. If it weren’t for y’all this place would be purely trolls and rancor. As it is, this board has ... let’s say regressed.
Troll? Troll. Door’s that way.