
January 20th, 2023 at 1:27 PM ^

Not a Bacon fan, I see him as an Michigan football opportunist, who's about "making a living & unbridled fame" off of Michigan football news (usually negative). However, he seems to profess to be a loyal Michigan person.  

That said, this is good, we don't want Warde meddling in Harbaugh's team. 

Remember when David Brandon coached over Hoke? 

Go Blue.  


January 20th, 2023 at 1:48 PM ^

I mean Bacon may be totally off on the whole 'literally' talking thing, but I think it seems fair to say that Harbaugh and Manuel may not have a particularly close working relationship?


January 20th, 2023 at 2:11 PM ^

Through all this, everyday believe more and more that Ono is one of the best hires in Michigan history. Still, time will tell, but I am starting to believe it more and more.

Mpfnfu Ford

January 20th, 2023 at 2:39 PM ^

There was always going to be a price to be paid for publicly shaming your head coach with an unprecedented pay cut in an industry where that never happens. A lot of us though Harbaugh should have been fired, so Warde’s weird Solomon baby approach I guess worked out. But it won’t work out for him. He’s got to go, and now.


January 20th, 2023 at 2:51 PM ^

If this is true, then I can’t wait to hear WTKA next week for  Craig Ross’s justification for never having a review in six years, followed by a 10 minute rambling pun based on “impetigo.”


January 20th, 2023 at 3:15 PM ^

Craig is a lawyer, and I am not, let alone an employment lawyer. But I can imagine a scenario where no formal performance review is done. Not that this is the likely story, and it reflects equally poorly on the admin. But here goes:

Formal reviews create a paper trail. From the university HR's perspective, that's good if the reviews support a case for firing for performance reasons, but bad if the reviews don't support a performance-based firing and you fire the guy anyway. If you want to fire an employee, it's better to not have a history of positive reviews that they can use against you in an employment lawsuit. 

Is this giving Schlissel too much credit for even thinking about Athletics? Probably. But the actions that led to his firing were way beyond the stupidity I imagined a U-M president is capable of, so who knows. 


January 20th, 2023 at 3:41 PM ^

I call BS.  You mean to tell me that as JH and WM sat next to each other after the MSU game addressing the media about the assault, these two never spoke about it?  Sorry JUB but you are wrong on this one.

Ali G Bomaye

January 20th, 2023 at 3:59 PM ^

Athletic Director is a funny job. You would think that at a place like Michigan it would be relatively easy - just say the right things and point the money cannon in the right direction. But we've seen so many high-profile athletic directors royally screw things up, from Dave Brandon (and maybe Warde) at Michigan, to Lynn Swann at USC, to Jeremy Foley at Florida, to Mark Hollis at MSU. 

I would think that if/when Warde is fired this would be one of the most appealing AD jobs in the country, but evidently it isn't that easy to find a good AD.


January 20th, 2023 at 4:57 PM ^

Well, things can't be TOO bad.  I received this in an Michigan Insider e-mail this afternoon from Warde:

"We are also excited at the recent news involving coach Harbaugh’s commitment to continue leading our program and announcements from many student-athletes of their intentions to return to school instead of seeking professional opportunities. Options abound for people throughout this program; I am heartened that they choose to further their education and careers here at U-M and I look forward to announcing further specifics."   

Glass is half full and Go Blue!


January 20th, 2023 at 6:16 PM ^

You can't separate the observers (with all their biases and subjective judgments) from the observations. This isn't new, the Stoic philosophers wrote about it 2,000 years ago.

Two people can see the same event and reach different conclusions. It gets worse when you're reporting what other people have said.

It becomes one person's take on someone else's take. None of this means John U. Bacon is an idiot, a genius, right, wrong or indifferent. It's something that's inherent in the reporting of news.

It's perhaps more sensible to take news with a grain of salt until it's proven. I'm going to wait and see how the principals in this storyline react, if they react at all.


January 20th, 2023 at 6:25 PM ^

People have perspectives, but that doesn’t mean anything goes.  If you say they haven’t spoken months and then say they do chat from time to time, you didn’t give two perspectives, you said at least one thing that was false.  I don’t recall the Stoics adopting a paraconsistent metaphysics.


January 21st, 2023 at 5:47 PM ^

Those dumping on Warde for this and giving Harbaugh a pass should realise that this is a bad look for both and for the University. 

While it most directly reflects poorly on Warde it also does the same for Harbaugh. He has a reputation for being difficult to manage from his SF days....and if he ever wants back into the league he's not doing himself any favours by continuing to give reason to think he might be unmanageable. GM's and owners are not going to want to deal with this and the NFL is a pretty small, closed club so no doubt they talk and share notes.