This Week’s Obsession: That Team You Hate Comment Count




The Question:

Brian: So that Mike DeBord quote I posted in UV reminded me that I now root against Tennessee in just about every game they play because they hired a coach who I think is not good at coaching. That's a pretty weird reason to wish pain and demise on a program. What is your weirdest reason you hate on a CFB program?

Seth: Other than Scott Frost’s mom you mean?

Brian: Some people want to hit Scott Frost's mom with a shovel for obscure reasons. Can't be helped. Mmmbop.

Seth: Michigan fans will cut you.


The Responses:


no no no no no no no no no no just stop making these

Ace: In the conversation that led to this question, Brian mentioned rooting against Stanford because of David Shaw’s crimes against game theory. I have an entirely different reason. When I was checking out colleges after my junior year of high school, my dad turned a Bay Area business trip into a college tour, and at the time I really liked the idea of going to Stanford.

We joined one of their campus tours. The campus was gorgeous, the university essentially sold itself—and then our guide started talking football. Specifically, he brought up The Play—yes, this play—as a selling point for Stanford, saying some hogwash about how it was really the best reflection of Stanford football since they lost but their band did something wacky. (Notably, this was pre-Harbaugh.)

This offended me to my core. Whenever I’m watching Stanford and I think back to this moment, I hope David Shaw takes his criminally bad game management to new lows. The fans won’t care, anyway.

(I still applied to Stanford. I did not get in. That _totally_ doesn’t play a role here.)

[After the JUMP: screw you and your whole coast]


Is this real? You don’t know, do you. You think it’s a joke but it might not be.
Seth: I hate Oregon. I hate their uniforms and their 19 colors and their daddy nike warbucks, and every time someone says Autzen Stadium—which I remind you holds half as many people as the Big House—is the “hardest stadium to play in” because of acoustic engineering.

This is for the weirdest of reasons. In 2007 the Big Ten Network/Fox were having their great pissing match with Comcast, which meant having to go to the bar for Michigan games and never seeing the rest of the conference play. After the Horror, my friend James came up with a solution: we would all become Pac10 fans. We all picked teams and got super serious--like work was suffering because we were on early Pac10 blogs and message boards trying to soak in the talking points. I got Stanford (Harbaugh!), which in 2007 meant mostly gallows humor until WHAT'S YOUR DEAL.

The guy who got Oregon apparently found the RCMB of Oregon web communities, because he was awful. He's the kind of guy who will go off on something and you don't know if he's really into it or really good at pretending he is while playing some sort of meta joke (it's both). So when Oregon trounced Stanford it was the same week-ish that Harbaugh made that comment about the classes Michigan's players take. The Oregon guy and I got into this heated argument that started only half role-played, and touched on everything wrong with college football, which was, in a nutshell, "Oregon."

The joke has been over for almost a decade and I don't believe half of what I was arguing anymore, but every time I see Oregon I remember how much I hated them that year.

The duck, though.


Brian: I feel like I should explain the Tennessee thing a bit more. I already had some general antipathy for Tennessee for obvious 1997-related reasons. Marcus Ray's bizarre Butch Jones fixation incremented that a bit further, and then Jones hired DeBord.

David P. Gilkey, The Freep

At the time DeBord had been out of coaching for a number of years and was working as a mandarin in Michigan's athletic department. Even though I hate on Al Borges a bunch, he got a job after he left Michigan. DeBord got a sinecure. Strike one. DeBord's never been a QB coach, and Tennessee does not have a separate QB coach to make up for that fact. Strike two. And Mike Debord did nothing but run outside zone his last two years at Michigan. Strike three. I think the reason it drives me so batty is that now I'm looking at the Harbaugh offense weekly and the vast possibilities of manball are opening up before my eyes. Every run game tweak further emphasizes the years I wasted charting this yob's brain dead offense.

I also have significant personal animosity towards DeBord because he failed utterly at CMU, literally quit, literally said he wasn't a head coach kind of guy as he quit, and then wormed his way back in at Michigan to the point where he was Carr's recommendation to take over.

Bill Martin didn't buy that, and even if Rich Rodriguez was a total bust it was still 100% better than anything DeBord would have delivered.

DeBord more than anyone else still in coaching is the living symbol of why Michigan had to eat itself alive for seven years before Harbaugh came in, and I'm holding the hell out of that grudge.

(Tennessee's status as Baylor Lite also fuels my disdain for that program, but that's not a weird reason. That's a reason everyone should agree on.)


Adam: Ace alluded to Stanford's admissions decision playing into his hatred for their football program. I won't allude to it: Michigan State could be a MAC school (yeah, there's a joke there) and I'd still feel unfettered bitterness toward the institution.
As an only child, I relied heavily on a family friend's advice when applying to colleges. This person was a Michigan State student at the time and said that no matter where I went, I'd want to get into that school's honors program or I'd get lost in the shuffle of a big research institution and be adrift without a community to call my own.

Fast forward a few months and admissions letters start to come in. I get into State. I get into Michigan. I find out in relatively short order that I got into Michigan's LSA Honors Program, which is exciting because there's Honors housing; remember that I'm worried at the time about feeling isolated at college. I haven't heard anything from State's Honors College, so I contact them. They tell me I've been rejected. From State's Honors College. After getting into Michigan's LSA Honors Program. Seriously.

I figure this has to be some kind of mistake and ask if I can reapply or have my application reconsidered or send in final semester grades or something, anything to fix this oversight. I tell them that I'm confused, as I've already been admitted to the LSA Honors Program. Looking back, I don't think that went over the way I thought it would. State tells me that there's nothing I can do except apply again after my first semester at MSU which, uh, hard pass.

It all worked out for the best. I enrolled in the Honors Program at Michigan and made some friends that I still keep in touch with. I took some cool classes and did find that community-within-a-community that I was looking for. In the end, Big Brother took good care of me.



November 1st, 2016 at 6:57 PM ^

  1. They cheat
  2. They get hyped constantly as the next big thing and they always suck
  3. Confederate flags everywhere
  4. Hugh Freeze

Now, those are all rational reasons to dislike them, but I LOVE when Ole Miss suffers. Those cheating a-holes. I'd love it if they went 0-12 every year


November 1st, 2016 at 7:26 PM ^

Apropos to Ace, Stanford was the only school, football-playing or otherwise, to reject me for both undergrad and grad school, so I should hate them but I don't know . . . they seem nice.  Seth is right here. Oregon for starting crimes against uniformz is absolutely the answer.  Similarly, in a game between two teams I don't care about I root for whichever one isn't wearing alternate uniforms--in college football and in every other sport in the world.


November 1st, 2016 at 7:40 PM ^

For me, it's Florida State.  As someone who went to high school in the early 90's, Florida State was the "cool" school to like.  It drove me crazy that even though we were in the middle of Michigan, it seemed like most of my school were FSU fans, and didn't even root for Michigan.  I mean, at football games, the student section would do the whole chop and Seminole chant thing.  Perfect for a team called the Panthers, right?

Ever since then, I've always hated them.  It totally sucked seeing them get another national championship.

Mr. Elbel

November 1st, 2016 at 9:15 PM ^

most if my random hated teams are in the pros. spurs. sf giants. stl cardinals. Cowboys. penguins. avs. colts. pretty much if you've ever done anything bad to my team I hate you forever. or if you have a player I unreasonably dislike I hate you forever, even after said player moves on. couple that with the division rivals of all the Detroit teams and any team associated with ohio and I hate a lot of teams. in college it's essentially the big 3 plus the entire B1G.


November 1st, 2016 at 9:51 PM ^

The weirdest reason I hate a team is a random guy that I never even learned his name. Bachelor house of 5 guys in a not-so-great neighborhood when I first moved out of home. We had a ton of parties and this particular weekend this jack ass passed out on my couch on a Friday night. I came down the next morning and Michigan was playing Iowa that day. He wakes up to me cheering for the Maize and Blue and starts to cheer against. I asked who he knew and he couldn't name anyone who lived there. He was just an asshole, and was staying well past his welcome. About half time I had to kick him out and the whole thing was incredibly awkward. He was aggressive and rude as hell in my house watching my TV and ever since I have an extra hatred for Hawkeyes and their fans. Years later I was in the Big House and right in front of a heckler that was talking the whole game. That was the one with Brad Banks, Dallas Clark and Bob Sanders & just cemented the festering hatred I already possessed.

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November 1st, 2016 at 10:00 PM ^

I cannot stand Penn State, Wisconsin, Iowa, Georgia (the entire SEC but Georgia really bothers the shit outta me), Texas, Everything in Florida, Fuck Clemson and obviously MSU and Ohio State.

Ohio State for other reasons (recruiting, THE GAME, Tressel), well founded rivalry reasons.

Irrational hatred-

Wisconsin & Iowa are the most unimaginitive teams in NCAA football. I grew up in the 90's and the memory of Ron Dayne's fat ass waddling into the line gives me a little bit of a headache even today. No matter what Wisconsin is ranked, whenever we play em I feel good about it. Iowa just puts me to sleep, their games are so incredibly boring.

Penn State- Their uniforms make me wanna puke (it's probably a just me thing), James Franklin is a rah rah guy doesn't seem to be real innovator, he gets old but my reason for despising them is all about Joe Pa & that twisted prick he protected. They don't deserve anymore words typed on the subject of those sick fucks.

Georgia- Always hyped up, always chokes and they fire Richt who you could bank on at least 9 or 10 wins a year for Kirby Smart? He was a hell of a coordinator but WTF he was just a coordinator. They get way to much hype and their fans act like the are king shit.

Fuck the whole SEC!

Clemson and Texas too

MSU-Obvious reasons, Dantonio is a whiney little pre-madonna. Love how he got thoroughly out coached on Saturday. They had a nice little 7ish year run, that was founded on fake punts and fluke plays and their fans act as if they are a College Football powerhouse. Back to worrying about qualifying for bowl games for ya lil bro.

And then there is the Notre Dame. Why the hell the NCAA kisses their ass is beyond me.  They really haven't been relevant since the early 90's minus a couple decent seasons. Brian Kelly is a colossal douche! I always hated Lou Holtz as well, especially when he got on ESPN picked ND to win no matter how much they were predicted to lose by. When they're at home they seem to get a lot of help from the officials, especially late in games (That's putting it mildly). Can't stand anything about ND. HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!


November 2nd, 2016 at 9:27 AM ^

Thank you. I hate them too, and it's not as much because they are so damn boring and unimaginitive, but because I can't for the life of me figure out why they are always so competitive with us. They rely on 2* and 3* talent yet seem to scare the piss out of me whenever we play them. I hate how they always seem to sludge through their schedule with a good record, make their way to a premier bowl game, then embarass the shit out of the conference. We can never seem to show these teams for who they truly are when we play them. Last year the conference had a really good OSU team and a resurgent Michigan team, yet MSU and Iowa represent our conference in the B1G title game and major bowls - only to get slaughtered by a combined 83-16? How in the living fuck does that happen? 

I think Wisconsin does have a legitimately good defense this year....but what irkes me is HOW? How the fuck did they get all that linebacking talent when we are lucky to have 2 true veteran LBs on the roster? how the fuck did Iowa get Desmond King? Why do they always have a stable or running backs? It's Wisconsin and Iowa. Does 3* oline talent really get RBs fired up to play there? It's not even like they can bank on a world class QB every decade or so either. Besides the Russell Wilson fluke, these schools are like Trent Dilfer factories - and that's a double insult to Trent, who at least proved he could start in the NFL.

Their game this year was the equivalent of a 0-0 draw in the bottom levels of the League Championship (the relegation league below the premier league), yet, when they play us I have no doubt they'll find their inner Kevin Wilson. 

These two programs should never represent the class of the B1G as often as they do, yet, i'm not looking forward to our night game at Kinnick this year, and I'm certainly not excited about, should we make it, the strong chance of playing Wisconsin for a second time in the B1G title game. We have better talent, more speed, better coaches, better game philosophies - yet i know some how, some way, it will be a game. And it shouldn't. And I hate it. 


November 1st, 2016 at 10:07 PM ^

I"m a Cal grad, so I love The Play, but for different reasons than that hopeless Stanford tour guide. Strangely, while I am fond of neither The Tree nor LSJUMB, I don't hate the instituation itself. Stanford is a fine school, their alumni/fans are generally good people, and even though Cal's been on the short end of the Big Game for years now, it's still mostly a friendly rivalry.

USC (the LA version)? I hate those guys. Everything about it. The band that only knows two songs. The fans that obnoxiously throw that "victory" sign at any provocation. That. Damn. Horse. Burn it down, and salt the ground behind you.


November 1st, 2016 at 11:02 PM ^

but I've had a mix of annoyance and grudging respect for Florida State.  I went to grad school there between 1988 and 1994 and remember all too well that 1991 game.  FSU was ridiculously talented in those years. At the beginning of the 1991 season, Bowden said that Michigan was his pick to win the national championship that year - maybe just to talk us up in advance of the game that year.  Carruthers was especially grating.  But damn, we just didn't have the athletes to stay with them long enough in that game. And yes, the chop is annoying too.  I thought Bobby Bowden was a little overrated as head coach but thought he had the best  defensive coordinator in Mickey Andrews.

I've left off ND, PSU, all SEC teams, and Duke for basketball here since those are teams anyone can hate.


November 2nd, 2016 at 7:48 AM ^

Honestly, I think we're a little jealous of the chop. It's a great unifying chant for the FSU fans. Maybe we can start a unique hand waving chant that involved all 115k people flipping the bird while humming The Victors after every decent play? Remember, you heard it first here.

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November 1st, 2016 at 11:16 PM ^

I got into Indiana, Creighton, Wayne State, Case Western, and MSU's DO school before I got my acceptance to UM and pulled the rest. Guess which was the only rejection ( besides Stanford  who sent the rejetion letter before cashing the check ) ? MSU med school , the weakest of the bunch !!!!!!!! I framed that letter and still have it someplace.


November 1st, 2016 at 11:18 PM ^

Ole Miss. Stars and bars. Buy players.

Miss State. Need less cowbell. Sorry Mr Walken.

University of Cambridge. Of all of it. Just Sidney Sussex College. For admitting the love of my 26 year old life to a Masters/PhD program requiring that she move from our shared apartment in DC to fucking Cambridge. With a healthy dose of self reproach for me doing the right thing and telling her she had to go because it was her academic/career dream and she would resent me forever if she didn't. And then breaking up with her because she told me she was going to decline admission because she loved me and wanted to stay with me. Damn you Sidney Sussex College. I will always cheer against you in lawn bowling or quidditch or whatever the hell sports they do there.

Also Boise State because of their goddamn blindingly painful to look at football field.

But mostly Sidney Sussex College. Bastards.

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November 2nd, 2016 at 11:27 AM ^

That was 18 years ago. But every time I think of Cambridge, read their name in the news, whatever, my first thought is "screw Cambridge". At this point it's the very definition of irrational dislike.

At the same time, she got her advanced degrees in cultural anthropology and is now working for Intel, of all places, as a cultural anthropologist.

I've had my own marriage/family and career doing what I aspired to, etc.

So it worked out. But screw Cambridge.

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November 2nd, 2016 at 7:53 AM ^

Alabama. I realize all fan bases have obnoxious twits, but they take the cake. Living in Tennessee, I have witnessed the bandwagon nature of their fans. 12 years ago, you couldn't find a Bama fan in TN, but suddenly they've taken over. Lots of fair weather fans that will talk a bunch of crap in person and on social media pretending they've been big Bama fans all along. Also, Satan, I man Saban

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November 2nd, 2016 at 8:07 AM ^

'Cause I'd like to joint this early Festivus celebration with my disdain for the Chicago Cubs.  I have three bones to pick with them.

1) Up until this season (and maybe last season) the organization focused on EVERYTHING EXCEPT winning baseball games: splashy big names in free agency that never delivered on the field, shaking down people who watch the games from the roofs of buildings across the street, the totally unnecessary saga about whether to have night baseball on a regular basis, getting all anabolic about high attendance at the MLB stadium with the smallest crowd capacity, etc. etc.  AND When the Cubs continued to disappoint for predictable reasons, the front office always made it SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT: Sammy Sosa is a bad teammate; Dusty Baker can't manage; Bartman is a traitor; so forth and so on.

2) Similarly, the people in Wriggleyville during regular season games seem to be focused on EVERYTHING EXCEPT watching a baseball game. Drinking, playing hookey from work, drinking, oogling other attractive fans, drinking, being oogled by other fans, drinking.  The contrast with the fans who cheer for the Cubs from afar couldn't be starker.

3) Cubs fans who don't live in Chicago are some of the most knowledgable, articulate, accomplished and well adjusted people I know.  In general, it is a pleasure to talk baseball with them.  However, they have this assumed air of superiority that their team DESERVES to win because they are the most long suffering fan base in the history of professional sports.  It reminds me of Red Sox fans pre-whatever year they finally won it.  Remote Cubs fans can be a bit like the vegans who try to convince you that in 20 years we are all going to die in a world wide famine unless each and every person on earth switches to veganism right the hell now.


November 2nd, 2016 at 9:34 AM ^

This was a fun topic and a great thread. In addition to being incredibly cathartic, I loved hearing everyone's stories and loved hearing the particular moments or incidents that sparked the feelings. 


November 2nd, 2016 at 9:54 AM ^

What about Pittsburgh and their Mark "no D" Antonio coach Pat Narduzzi - he of the 60 minutes of "unnecessary roughness"?

He is a big of a prick as Mark "no D" Antonio only with more emotion. His DB's hold on every play then he bitches about it. The his players have a tough time in the NFL because they can't hold on EVERY play.


November 2nd, 2016 at 1:13 PM ^

I hate Tennessee because I didn't like them growing up. When my parents first came to this country, they lived in Memphis. When I was growing up, my dad rooted for Tennessee (not hard). I rooted for Florida in that rivalry. I hate Tennessee. I hate that creamsicle orange. I hate Neyland Stadium. I hate Peyton Manning. 


November 2nd, 2016 at 1:38 PM ^

I hate Notre Dame with the fire of a thousand suns. When I was a student from 1987 to 1991, Notre Dame beat us so many times first or second game of the season. I was there live when the Rocket ran back the kick off. 

And Notre Dame fans always act like their touch downs are the second coming of Christ. And don't get me started on the guy in the green suit. 

BTW: Washington got totally screwed by an obviously biased commitee. No team with a loss should be ranked above a zero loss team. 


November 5th, 2016 at 1:06 PM ^

have described most of the teams we hate as having annoying fanbases. I wonder if we just find it annoying that there are groups of people who like what we don't. Then we use it as a reason we don't like the team. Emotions are odd things that mess with rationality.