We should do something nice for Brian

Submitted by carlos spicywiener on

Like fund a kickstarter for a vacation groupon or something. He and his wife can enjoy a nice relaxing weekend somewhere the weekend of the michigan state game.

He's coming up on a decade of this blog and has been through plenty of crap football.


September 20th, 2014 at 9:22 PM ^

and goes to M football, basketball and hockey games. he gets no sympathy from me.  I have 2 part times jobs and thousands of dollars owed in student loans, why doesnt someone give me a free vacation?


September 20th, 2014 at 9:29 PM ^

He has built that (this) blog up from nothing but his own hard work and talented writing.  He's gone to games his whole life (on his dime, not yours or anyone else's) and this enterprise has certainly limited his fan experience at those games since it has become his job.

And he's been successful enough to make this business his full-time job without having to charge a subscription for content that easily deserves to be paid for.

It's not like he's rolling in the dough.  As far as I know, him, Seth, Ace and perpetually-bolting-recruiting-guy are all paid.  No matter how much money the site brings in from advertising and how much of a percentage of that rightfully goes to Brian, I'm guessing he's not rolling in the dough with some cush job.


September 20th, 2014 at 9:39 PM ^

but he has 2 degrees from M and chose a different career.  No one put a gun to his head.  He's a brilliant guy that would be great at anything but I dont feel bad that he decided to not use an engineering degree to write about Michigan sports.  


September 20th, 2014 at 10:40 PM ^

Who's asking you to feel bad?

I was just pointing out that you make his job seem like not-a-job.

I don't get it.  There's a segment of people out there who seem to think that people with job X shouldn't complain about their job because it is something that person enjoys.  To me, that just sounds like you don't like your job and you think anyone with a job that is in a field perceived to be more "fun" don't have a right to complain.

he runs a blog for a living and goes to M football, basketball and hockey games. he gets no sympathy from me. I have 2 part times jobs and thousands of dollars owed in student loans, why doesnt someone give me a free vacation?

His job is his job. He may have student loans too. It's like when I defend my job as a teacher and then someone says "Well, it would be nice if I got summer off from my job." Well, then get a different fucking job if you hate yours so much. Or if my job as a teacher or Brian's job as a small business owner that covers Michigan athletics is so great, get off your ass and stop complaining about your situation and change it.


September 20th, 2014 at 10:56 PM ^

Brian didn't complain about his job and I didn't complain about mine either. Carlos brought it up. The idea of having someone buy you a vacation right when your job gets tough is kind of dumb in my opinion. If I took time off every time a big project was due or during our busy seasons, I'd get fired. Lucky for Brian he runs this thing and can do whatever he wants


September 20th, 2014 at 11:35 PM ^

Michigan football has sucked.  MGOBLOG does anything but suck.  Would most all fans "trade jobs" with Brian, I'm guess yes.  He brings value and since we're all going to have to suffer through at least 8 more games of this-vacations all around!


September 20th, 2014 at 9:22 PM ^

Brian, I thank you for this website. I don't know where else I would take my my frustrations out. It sounds crazy but this site is a great stress relief seeing others going through the same misery as you.


September 20th, 2014 at 9:26 PM ^

Seriously. Big upsBrian, Ace and the whole staff. Your job should cover the greatest college football program of all time. But, instead you get to cover a steaming pile of shit. Thank you for putting up with the stench.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


September 20th, 2014 at 9:27 PM ^

Brian's not the one that had to moderate you psychopaths late at night after a complete debacle. those voluntary night fighters are the ones that deserve the charity.


September 20th, 2014 at 9:36 PM ^

I figured he'd be depressed and we don't want him going over the edge. So I got one of his favorite bands, The Smiths to reunite and play a private show for him at his home. Nothing like The Smiths to cheer......wait. Oh God i have to call The Smiths and stop them!!!!


September 20th, 2014 at 10:41 PM ^

Brian, I wouldn't blame you if you switched this to OGoBlog and just started covering Oregon football. It must take tremendous perseverence to critically analyze the massive ineptitude that has plagued this program for 7+ years now