SOTS Raises over $110k for ChadTough Foundation (+ Lil' Wayne gives shoutout to entire 2016 class)

Submitted by Mr. Yost on

If there was no other reason to do what they did today...this would've been reason enough.


#SigningOfTheStars raises $110k (& counting) for #ChadTough - thank you @CoachJim4UM & the Michigan family! #NewBlue

— ChadTough Foundation (@chadtough) February 3, 2016

----------------- Plus There's always this (below) -----------------

.@LilTunechi ends #SigningOfTheStars with a S/O to Michigan!

— Zach Eisendrath (@zeisendrath) February 3, 2016


February 3rd, 2016 at 7:00 PM ^

That's great. Still don't understand little Wayne's connection to UM other than the fact that we're now mid-2000s USC (minus sanctions) celebrity wise


February 3rd, 2016 at 7:46 PM ^

other than he stopped by campus while touring with Kennedy. He and Harbaugh got along but I'm sure all these guys were given cash ala Beyonce UTL II. Some likely did it out of charity and being asked but McShay and Shanahan weren't there to hang out and root for UM. Checks were almost assuredly cut.


February 3rd, 2016 at 7:16 PM ^

Harbaugh is a genius. That was such a fun and worthwhile event I hope they do it every year. I also have a new found respect for Lou Holtz and Rick Flair. I'm sorry I wasn't there in person!

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February 3rd, 2016 at 7:47 PM ^

The event was great for more than just recruiting of course. Chad was such a fighter he will surely be missed and his legacy will live on forever. The money raised is used for research I am sure but some of it also goes to toys books etc. To be used by kids who are fighting to survive and are sick and do not even know why it is happening to them. These things give them something to do to take their mind momentarily off of what they face each day and cannot be understated. This was such a great idea and kudos to the staff. I cried the first time I read about Chad (survivors guilt) then I decided to keep attacking each day with enthusiasm unknown to mankind. I feel it is what he would have wanted. Sorry for the sad post oh and FUCK CANCER donate if you can.


February 3rd, 2016 at 8:06 PM ^

this kid and his life accomplished more in 5 years than my 30+. It's devastating when you stop to consider how unfair it seems, beyond the obvious pain. It's just unfair and unjust and people like myself should be ashamed that we haven't fixed it with the time we've been given. I haven't made a dent. I don't feel like charity is enough for me in these situations. I give but I still feel terrible, like I'm giving CPR but have no idea what to do so I just pretend and imitate what I see on TV. He was stronger than me, too! No cliché BS! I'd have given up mentally or physically long before he did and I don't think he "gave up" as much as his body was too young to continue in a literal sense. He didn't look defeated just days before the end. He looked willing but literally unable, the same as if someone asked us to lift a 2-ton boulder. A 5 year old was legitimately tougher than me and most kids in his situation are. No pandering, just fact. Anyway... I'm glad so much money was raised! I believe you can add at least another $50k, too. If I had hit the powerball I swear on everything that I'd find a cure or go broke trying. I've spent too much time muffling my sobs to not put all my chips in the center. Sadly, my monthly chips are only 2-3 digits in size and it feels like it doesn't help.


February 3rd, 2016 at 8:09 PM ^

fuck everyone knocking the event, btw. I'm talking about those saying it was all a gimmick, etc. Yes, it was largely based on recruiting. No question. Obviously. Yet, the event took something everyone already goes nuts for and raised money. If not there everyone in attendance would just be sitting at home, school or work looking at Twitter. I'm stunned it took a team this long to do this......AND raise money for Cancer research! Fuck the salty.


February 3rd, 2016 at 10:45 PM ^

I was really glad to see Devin Gardner as one of the presenters. I know the W/L isn't what we'd all have liked, and the stats weren't there, but I can think of few players who represented the UM football program with more courage, dignity and integrity than Devin Gardner. Thanks for playing for Michigan, Devin!

James Earl Jon…

February 4th, 2016 at 12:41 AM ^

Oddly enough, that skatepark, located in New Orleans lower 9th ward, used to also house my good friend's piano shop and for a while my piano and me. "Cool story, bro." "Thank you, bro, Go Blue."