OT - How can I get reasonably priced tickets to The Game?

Submitted by RyGuy on

Hello MGoFolks,


I am going to be in Ann Arbor over thanksgiving break and I am absolutely dying to make the trip down to Columbus for The Game. I need to go. The only complication is that I am a poor grad student. So $250-300 is a bit pricey for me.


So- what is the best way to get the cheapest ticket possible? Should I hang around outside their stadium and buy a ticket right at kick off? I am even willing to go alone if one ticket would be easier to procure than 2. I'm not sure what the best strategies are.


Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks a lot.


October 31st, 2016 at 4:48 PM ^

Become an OSU student, take classes (or don't - doesn't matter), graduate, buy OSU season tickets, profit.


EDIT:  As someone who did this about 10 years ago, I'd say the best bet is to find where the cheaper scalped tickets will be, and get them close to kickoff. OSU forums might be helpful...good luck!


October 31st, 2016 at 5:00 PM ^


Sorry, but with OSU needing to salvage their season with a W against us there is only one way to fetch a ticket under $300. Auction-off your virginity (claimed). Please don't do that. Obtain your degree and gainful employment.  Under Jimmy, there'll be lots more interesting games in future seasons. Good luck!


October 31st, 2016 at 4:58 PM ^

Best way would be to hope Nebraska beats Ohio State this weekend and have that game not be for the B1G East crown. Should Michigan go into the Shoe with their ticket already punched for Indy...I would expect ticket prices to drop. However, even in that scenario you will probably have to either miss kickoff or get very lucky to get a ticket under $200 each. FYI - if Ohio State beats Nebraska Saturday and if Michigan beats Iowa next Saturday I expect tickets for that game to go up even higher as Michigan and Ohio State will be heavy favorites over Indiana and MSU in their last game before The Game. Good Luck!!!!

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October 31st, 2016 at 5:05 PM ^


This. At least then there will be a chance. But with Harbaugh v. Meyer second round, and especially since Jimmy has donned an interesting pair of specs recently, I think The Game will still command full fervor pricing. I wouldn't count on generous ticket prices even if OSU loses again - if anything this would be impetus for greater attendance for the ilk. Zombies do not accept to be penned up. Happy Halloween!


October 31st, 2016 at 5:14 PM ^

I think you need to reset your expectations. Watch the ticket sites in case someone sells something you can afford, but with $2-300 being too expensive, your chances of getting in are extremely small. Your only hope is gambling that someone will fire sale a ticket for your price after kickoff. That's an awful risk. The trip, the parking, the time, the food... and you aren't guaranteed a seat. So you run the risk of either impulse spending more than you can afford, or experiencing bitter disappointment and missing most of the game outside of the Stadium. Watch the part of Rudy where Rudy can't get a ticket into the game. Watch him walk outside while the fans are cheering inside, and he's getting shot down by every person he talks to. If you're ok with that being a likely outcome for you in Columbus, you can take a shot on a slim chance of a doable price. If you don't want that, don't take the risk. You're better off planning to watch with friends one way or another.


October 31st, 2016 at 5:24 PM ^

I went to that cesspool in 2006....never felt unsafe at an opposing campus until I went to C-Bus.  The people are nasty and vile...all of them.... Old, Young, Male, Female,....all of them.


Stay away...trust me!


October 31st, 2016 at 6:40 PM ^

If theyre gonna checker our stadium with red as they usually do, we need to checker their stadium with brown so they know theyre shitty! (no maize or blue unless you wanna get yelled at by drunk people and spit on and such as those fans are not civilized)


October 31st, 2016 at 8:11 PM ^

I was there in 2006 with the mmb. We had a police escort the whole time. It was highly satisfying watching Ohio state troopers toss one of their asshat fans in the front row near midfield after the heckled us too much before the game started.

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October 31st, 2016 at 7:43 PM ^

This is so stupid. 


If you wear red to OSU as a Michigan fan, you don't deserve to be a fan. 


I have been to The Game in Columbus in a bright maize jacket and was fine. Yeah, you're gonna get some nasty insults, but unless you mouth back or get drunk yourself, you're going to be fine. 


October 31st, 2016 at 9:55 PM ^

You don't have much history with MIchigan fans in Columbus. MIchigan license plate cars get radio antennas broken. All kinds of shit is thrown at and on MIchigan cars. Parents of MIchigan players get glasses of urine thrown at them. OSU fans are some of the biggest assholes in the universe. MIchigan fans on the other hand treat Buckeye fans with respect so red gear doesn't lower our treatment of opponents' fans. But hey, go for it at the Buckeyes home in your MIchigan gear.


November 1st, 2016 at 7:49 AM ^

I've been numerous years dressed in our colors. Worst that's ever happened was half full beer cans thrown at me when I was 7.. Few years ago Seth and I went.. no violence, just threats and vulgarity and we were in the student section.


November 1st, 2016 at 10:28 AM ^

Exactly! I hate this weak shit from our fans about going to C'bus. I have only been to one game there, but didn't have much of an issue. I'm not going to be intimidated by a few drunk inbreds hurling mostly unintelligible insults. They have no problem filling our stadium, so we need more fans to quit being so thin-skinned and scared of going to games there.

Leaders And Best

October 31st, 2016 at 5:38 PM ^

Unless OSU loses to Nebraska, the Game is probably not going to sell for under $200.

And considering the stakes for this game, $250 is pretty cheap. Face value for the Game was around ~$195.

Perkis-Size Me

October 31st, 2016 at 5:39 PM ^

Got to be honest pal: if $250-$300 is too pricey for you, then you're not getting into the game. Assuming either team (or both) don't absolutely tank the rest of the season, it's going to be a red carpet affair. Both teams could very well be in the Top 5 come kickoff. 

If OSU loses to either MSU or Nebraska, then there's a chance the prices fall a bit, but Michigan is likely coming to town ranked #2, and OSU will either be fighting for its playoff lives, or will just be foaming at the mouth to ruin ours. I wouldn't be surprised if bleacher seats ran at least $400-$500 by kickoff.