OT - Football in China - coached by Vladimir Emilien

Submitted by riverrat on

I heard rumors that there might be other football-related news today, but I heard this story on the way to work and heard Vladimir Emilien being asked questions about coaching football in China.


There was another American identified as a former Michigan football player whose name I didn't catch.

And yes, csb, and in before the server fire...


Hemlock Philosopher

February 3rd, 2016 at 8:29 AM ^

I listened to NPR on my half hour commute and heard University of Michigan in two separate stories - the OP football story had two Wolverines and then there was a mention of a study done by the Law School on exoneration. It's a Maize and Blue Day! 


February 3rd, 2016 at 8:54 AM ^

Football in China? They're going to need a TON of chin straps!!!!!


[I felt like I deserved one racially insensitive joke today. This is it...]