Glad we are not a Nike School, OSU Uni's

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on

I know the OSU uni's are supposed to be tied to their past somehow but,  to say that I am happy that Michigan will not be sporting a ProCombat uni thanks to Nike is an understatement.

Black Socks

November 27th, 2010 at 12:23 PM ^

Ok fine, you want to wear those unis, do it for the PSU game.  It is a disgrace to the rivalry.  The contrast between the best unis in sports to those JV unis is extreme.


November 27th, 2010 at 1:53 PM ^

The FAIL is your posting without knowing what you are talking about.

On non-static displays, the union on the flag always leads the way.  So when the flag is displayed on a shoulder patch like that, it's reversed... to illustrate how the flag would be appear if it were in motion.

My shoulder patch when I was in the Air Force was the same way.

Just about every aircraft I can think of had the flag "reversed" like that on the right side of the aircraft.


November 27th, 2010 at 1:14 PM ^

Not to mention (i could not find a picture in color only nike combat) but they look nothing like the 1942 jersey.  If it is a tribute, it should at least look similar not share one thing in common and that is it.  How i fucking hate everything about OSU.


November 27th, 2010 at 1:53 PM ^

I actually wish we were with Nike.  There uniforms fit better and why wouldn't you want to wear throwback uniforms from Michigan.  Especially from the 90's.

I get the whole "I hate everything about Ohio State" but I believe most people hate Nike and the uniforms because they are jealous we aren't still with Nike. Yup I said it.


November 27th, 2010 at 11:03 PM ^

...has developed impressively in the short time they've been around. I believe they were founded by a former U of Maryland QB who got sick of wearing wet cotton rags in practice. I initially scoffed at synthetics and compression. I was a convert after trying them and noticing the improved wicking and support that they offered.