refs are athletes too

Let's take a look at the most impressive run of the game.

Oh, sure, Karan Higdon made a couple nifty moves in there. I'm not talking about him, though. I need to know if the field judge still has eligibility. Look at these wheels!

Sadly, none of the camera angles on the broadcast captured his full sprint, but as the screencaps show, dude was hauling ass.

The official's dash is made all the more impressive when you notice he kept his whistle in his mouth the whole time without accidentally blowing the play dead. That's a pro.

[Hit THE JUMP for Khaleke Hudson TFL, Khaleke Hudson sack, Khaleke Hudson TFL, Khaleke Hudson TFL, Khaleke Hudson sack, Khaleke Hudson TFL, Khaleke Hudson TFL, Khaleke Hudson sack, and some non-Khaleke Hudson items.]