Rapsheet Exchange

Submitted by The Reeve on

I know nothing about Twitter except that it confuses me. Get off my lawn. However, after seeing this tweet from Ian Rapoport...

I had to respond...

I cannot fathom the denial. It's bizarre. However, when you consider what recruits will think ---the NFL desperately clawing their way to Jim's doorstep only to be denied so that he can coach them---it's all good.


December 29th, 2014 at 4:40 PM ^

On twitter you always read from top middle down then over to the right then back around and then up and then over to the left, but only on odd days of the month.  It's the opposite only with one more over to the right on the even days unless its a tuesday or a holiday then its the first way.  I don't get why this is so hard.  It's worse than embedding a link.  There's LITERALLY a picture of an acutal link in a chain on the button where you click to embed a link. Take a computer class.  Jeeze.  I'm staying on your lawn.  You can't make me get off. 



December 29th, 2014 at 4:35 PM ^

The blithe ignorance on full display here is symptomatic of "mainstream" media journos. You've got several local media outlets—MGoBlog, Scout, Rivals, WTKA, Sam Webb, etc.—that cover Michigan football virtually 24/7/365 (in addition to JUB) but asswipes like Rapoport and Schefter are apparently too fucking stupid/and or lazy to actually call Brian Cook or Sam Webb or John Bacon or Chris Balas to find out what's going on.



December 29th, 2014 at 4:43 PM ^

From my reading, that "Of course" is Rapaport implying the Raiders are being a bit ridiculous in claiming to still be pursuing Harbaugh.  And I don't think Rapaport will ever be following Chris Balas for his reporting.

I don't really get what is wrong with this.