
December 12th, 2020 at 12:09 AM ^

Probably have had it for a while ..... which is why our corrupt govt, both “left” and “right” have been telling us what to do while shirking the very rules they make to “keep us safe.”  They’re already vaccinated.

you can be left or right, dem or repub.  I am good with you and your opinions and can find a place where we agree. It’s ok to be different and have different opinions.  We’re American brothers and sisters and should be able to disagree and still help each other succeed 

the people the left and right keep putting into office is a travesty and we should ALL be ashamed of what we done. 

neg away libertarian rant of the year over 


December 12th, 2020 at 12:18 AM ^

Come on man, no need to bring in the conspiracy theories. The president was hospitalized with COVID in October and it's been working its way through the entire White House. These people flaunt the rules because they're arrogant and powerful, not because they got the vaccine before everyone else. 


December 12th, 2020 at 1:50 AM ^

It's a good article (with an incredibly shitty, inaccurate, and irresponsible headline), but not controversial or a "scoop" as Moderna and others all had the right target from the get-go, but the question was always how to compress the clinical trials, which still have to happen in the future. You don't "have" a vaccine until then. You just have a candidate. From the article:

Could things have moved faster from design to deployment? Given the grim prospects for winter, it is tempting to wonder. Perhaps, in the future, we will. But given existing vaccine infrastructure, probably not.

carolina blue

December 12th, 2020 at 12:35 AM ^

Operation warp speed. On his way out, I will give credit where credit is due. Trump did do some good. Operation warp speed was his and his alone. Well done. Doesn’t make up for everything else...but it’s not nothin.


December 12th, 2020 at 12:43 AM ^

Doesn’t make up for what?  Being an asshole?  Perhaps, and his personality and overall persona suck, but what bad did the guy actually do?  The economy was awesome for 4 years, black and Latino income was up, black and Latino unemployment was way down, average female earnings relative to male earnings grew more than under any presidency, overall employment was up, overall income was up, zero - ZERO - wars, reduced troop deployment, 4 Middle East peace treaties between Arab nations and Israel, and was the first president to actually push back on China’s economic abuse of American companies and intellectual property theft. He also did more for Historically Black Colleges and Universities than any president (he did long term funding, which Obama refused to do), and released a number of reformed (minority) prisoners (actually working with Kim Kardashian’s charity). 

So, while his rhetoric was horrible and he didn’t speak n a way that many would like (I could have done without the tweets), his policy and actions were pretty good. 


December 12th, 2020 at 1:45 AM ^

Oh FFS, here we go. I should know by now nothing good comes from visiting MGoBlog after midnight. This thread should have been the equivalent of "easy listening." 

No, not "pretty good." Not pretty good at all.

Four years of an awesome economy? I didn't really think of 2020 as being "awesome" for most but to each his own. As far as the employment numbers, you do know that average monthly job growth the first 3 years (pre-Covid) was slower than the 3 previous years, right? And overall growth was about the same despite the deficit-exploding tax subsidy? And coronavirus testing supplies/PPE procurement were left to the states so that they competed against each other instead of being centrally purchased as would be done in any war? And he undercut his own administration's scientific experts at every turn and downplayed the severity of the pandemic and still does, even now, when it could make a difference to half the country? It's nice to make peace treaties but none of them were between nations that had ever, you know, actually been at war. He made white supremacism something you could espouse out in the open again. He made friends with our enemies and enemies of friends. I could go on but...why. 

Unrelated... Texas is not back. It just got shut out. The denouement of the dumbest six weeks in American legal history.

Poor mods waking up to this Saturday morning.


December 12th, 2020 at 1:57 AM ^

Why bother starting a war when you can just poochfuck a pandemic response until 300,000 of your own citizens are dead?  Would it somehow have been worse if they were on foreign soil with bullets in them?

Just think where we'd be if his Repeal-but-not-actually-replace healthcare plan had happened just before this pandemic. . .

blue in dc

December 12th, 2020 at 10:41 AM ^

The budget deficit increased significantly in year 1 of the Obama Administration as lots of money was spent trying to minimize it.   Every year except 2016 after that, the deficit decreased.   1.4 Trillion in 2009,  0,44 trillion in 2015.   By 2019, before Covid, it was 0.988 trillion.   It is generally understood that deficit policies can help raise employment rates.   It is also generally understood that you don’t raise the deficit when the economy is doing well because it reduces your ability to use it as a tool when the economy is not doing well.   

Trump did very little to improve the economy on his own.  As others have pointed out he merely inherited a good trajectory (just like he’s not a self made businessman, he merely inherited a lot of money).  He also left us worse off in the long run with a larger deficit than when he started even before Covid.



L'Carpetron Do…

December 12th, 2020 at 2:14 PM ^

If his "rhetoric" doesn't bother you, it should. He's the president of the United States - he should act like a grown man with dignity and respect for the office. He shouldn't trash distinguished veterans, former POWs and civil rights heroes. He shouldn't hold up foreign aid in exchange for election dirt on his opponent. He shouldn't be proud of locking up poor migrant children in cages. And that's to say nothing of the rampant and disgusting corruption he engaged in from Day 1. 

You might have missed the other day that Kim K asked him - pleaded with him- to pardon a guy on death row. He ignored her and basically let them throw the switch on him.




Absorbine Sr.

December 12th, 2020 at 2:40 AM ^

I know, right? I mean can already shoot low powered lasers from my eyes and I’m expecting them next week to be at a level where I can blast through solid titanium. 


December 12th, 2020 at 8:37 PM ^

This is why the vaccine will not help. I spoke to two people who said they will not get the vaccine .

The only chance we have is if enough Companies have the balls to say " If you dont get vaccinated you will not work for us ".  Im sure there are legal consequences to this. Maybe this has been argued before .