OT: Louisville admits to receiving "a few" plays from Wake Forest's Mole

Submitted by IvyLeague on

Louisville swears it had absolutely no impact on the game. According to Louisville's AD their offensive coordinator recieved some offensive plays after a phone call from Tommy Elrod (the Wake Forest former player, coach and radio annoucer) and the information was shared with their defense, HOWEVER, Louisville swears they didn't actually "use" the information as their defense "regularly prepares for similar formations every week in their nomal game plan".

"Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich said in a statement Wednesday that offensive coordinator Lonnie Galloway received "a few plays" from former Wake Forest radio announcer Tommy Elrod, who has since been fired for leaking confidential information to the Demon Deacons' opponents."




December 14th, 2016 at 11:50 PM ^

He better not  get a Pop Warner game, How does this guy sleep? They have a new coach working his ass off to keep his job and bless his family with success in life . Then this fuckwad Elrod comes along after a long career at the same university and takes a dump on his kitchen table then piss's on his carpet (that really tied the room together) on the way out...What the hell people, talk about dog eat dog. Sickening truely sickening.

His Dudeness

December 14th, 2016 at 5:31 PM ^

So youre a coach at Michigan and your friend who used to be a coach at Illinois and is now a radio guy and analyst for Illinois (who may be disgruntled at his former team) sends you some findings, analysis and maybe even a few plays he's seen them run from time to time UNSOLICITED. You see an email from your old friend Bob at Illinois and you open it up and there it is. You aren't telling Harbaugh that info? Are you calling the coaches at Illinois who you don't know personally to tell them your friend, who isn't even employed by the team, is sending you some analysis?

Stay classy?

Think about the situation and maybe it will be more clear to you who was at fault and who should "stay classy."


George Pickett

December 14th, 2016 at 6:05 PM ^

You absolutely call the coaches. It's one thing to take advantage of the information for a single game, but to help perpetuate cheating against every future WF opponent is shitty. This isn't pee wee football. There's a lot at stake in the outcome of these games. 

His Dudeness

December 14th, 2016 at 10:50 PM ^

The difference is the action of selling. That completely changes the dynamics of the case. Nothing was bought or sold here and the recipient of the information at the time didn't know it was stolen information and I would argue that the information was never confidential in the first place thus unable to be "stolen/taken."


December 15th, 2016 at 6:43 AM ^

Ah, but that's where you're tripping up.  The whole reason Wake caught on to this is because Louisville had detailed play diagrams of plays Wake had never run before and drew up specifically for the Louisville game.  That makes it confidential.  Head in the sand about whether or not something is stolen isn't a legal defense and it's not an ethical one, either.  If you have reason to believe something is stolen, it's on you to call that into question, and it wouldn't fly in front of a judge to claim ignorance.


December 15th, 2016 at 9:54 AM ^

But recruiting insider info and actual game plans are not the same thing. This is wrong by the Wake Forest alum/emploee, and by the Louisville coaches that used that information in the 2nd half when things weren't going so peachy for their team. Would it be difficult to turn down freely offeres info? Sure it would, especially in the ultra competitive world of college football. This should still be punished severely on both sides. Wake seems to have taken care of their end, but ole Bobby Patrino seems to have no issues with skirting the ethics line.

His Dudeness

December 15th, 2016 at 12:20 PM ^

That's the issue.

Is this even able to be "stolen?"

It's football plays. It may or may not have been sequential or a drive plan or anything like that.

It's like getting an exam that your teacher gave out a year ago.

Is that cheating to look at it? You're still studying the material. the questions might not even be asked.

It may not even be stolen material.

I Like Burgers

December 14th, 2016 at 5:21 PM ^

Wonder what the punishment for LVille and the others that took the info will be. Was surprised LVille actually admitted to taking the info since it's an admission of guilt.

Although that begs the question....is accepting and using stolen plays/game plans/etc cheating?

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I Like Burgers

December 14th, 2016 at 5:30 PM ^

Would love it if the punishment was simply the head coaches issuing an apology video that said "I cheated to beat Wake Forest."

Bet you'd rather have coaches that would take a punishment of 5 scholarship reductions than do that.


December 14th, 2016 at 5:33 PM ^

I'm sorry, but it sure seems like Louisville took the info and ran with it

...a few plays and information were given to Cardinals offensive coordinator Lonnie Gallaway... Among the communication were a few plays that were sent and then shared with our defensive staff. None of the special plays were run during the course of the game.

So the OC took the info, shared it with their whole defensive staff who then reviewed it and presumably prepared for it but Louisville's defense is "none of the special plays were run during the course of the game". Louisville more or less to admitted cheating

His Dudeness

December 14th, 2016 at 5:37 PM ^

So youre a coach at Michigan and your friend who used to be a coach at Illinois and is now a radio guy and analyst for Illinois (who may be disgruntled at his former team) sends you some findings, analysis and maybe even a few plays he's seen them run from time to time UNSOLICITED. You see an email from your old friend Bob at Illinois and you open it up and there it is. You aren't telling Harbaugh that info? Are you calling the coaches at Illinois who you don't know personally to tell them your friend, who isn't even employed by the team, is sending you some analysis?

His Dudeness

December 15th, 2016 at 11:34 AM ^

Jesus man this is not even renotely the same issue.

This is not reciving information that will directly make you income like insider trading.

This is IP at best (which is still extremely murky legally speaking) and I would argue it isnt even IP due to many of these plays being openly published and broadcasted weekly.

His Dudeness

December 15th, 2016 at 12:33 PM ^

I would argue that you need to adjust yours.

It's perfectly ok for the Wake coach to be so lazy in his preparartion for a game that the radio analyst (who doesnt even work for the school) can obtain information that may or may not swing the outcome but is apparently deemed "morally objectional to even obtain by any means."

Wouldn't that level of laziness be reprehensible even neglectful? Shouldn't that coach be taken advantage of? He makes millions to make sure his house is in order and he performs and wins games.

I would say this is a culling of the herd and could be considered morally admirable in some ways.


December 14th, 2016 at 5:51 PM ^

Huh?  Louisville was given confidential information that they knew was ill gotten in an unscrupulous manner.  The right thing to do is report it, not try to use it to their advantage.  By definition, it is cheating (using confidential information that you are not supposed to have).  Saying it didn't help you only makes the response worse.

I guess, for you, receiving a stolen TV from a friend is ok as long as you didn't steal it yourself......


December 14th, 2016 at 6:26 PM ^


You're a guy who watches TV.  Your friend, and current employee at FedEx (who may be disgruntled at his former employer, Best Buy) leaves a giant box on your doorstep completely UNSOLICITED.  You open it up and there it is, a 72', HD-3D TV.  You aren't putting that sucker up on your wall? Are you calling Best Buy, whom you don't know personally to tell them your friend, who isn't even employed by them, is sending you a free TV? 


December 14th, 2016 at 6:33 PM ^

Sorry, I left off the "/s".  I thought it was overtly obvious that calling was the right thing to do if some dude gave you a stolen $10,000 TV :)  For what it's worth, I once found an American hundred dollar bill in an international airport and asked the person in front of me if they dropped it. So yea, I would've called.