
September 18th, 2020 at 5:44 PM ^

With that being said, what is the percentage of commitment announcements and turning pro declarations that start with "with that being said"?  How did this phrase come to be so ubiquitous in these situations?


September 18th, 2020 at 6:59 PM ^

You can say that again Hillbilly. My son is 16, seemingly independent minded, good student, relatively trouble free. But he simply WILL NOT wear an article of clothing that hasn't been pre-sanctioned by some sort of "normalcy" or "suitability" committee that exists in some obscure corner of the stratosphere. And all of his friends are exactly the same way, which can sometimes lead to comic situations. At one point it seemed like everyone had to wear AFTCO fishing shorts, even if they never fished. These AFTCOs look to me like old man shorts with an elastic waistband and poofy sides, and they're exorbitantly expensive. Anyway he had a party at our lake house a couple of years ago, and every single one of the boys there had on this precise brand and style of shorts. Elastic waistband, poofy sides, and seemingly too short.. But that was the look because somewhere someone decided this was what said "success!" to the world.


September 18th, 2020 at 7:14 PM ^

Ugh. Nothing new there. I was one of maybe three kids in my whole high school who didn't wear Abercrombie-branded everything. Put a hard cap on my upward social mobility. For better or worse, I was just oblivious enough to not realize how important that apparently was to everyone else until my senior year, at which point impending graduation made relative social status seem less important. Glad at least a few friends were willing to overlook that apparent massive faux pas on my part. And that was 20 years ago. Wouldn't be surprised to hear if my parents went through the same thing when they were 16. Being your own person is hard.

Blue Vet

September 18th, 2020 at 8:28 PM ^

Slightly changing the subject, it's fascinated me the past few years of sports blogs & posts & tweets how many guys are so focused on fashion. Traditionally, fashion was for women, and men only wore "whatever was comfortable," or at least that was the common claim.

But either a new-ish trend or I simply wasn't paying attention, but it seems every sports site at some point veers into fake horror about what some player wore. Like jokes about the Fab Five's shorts that were short.

Face it. We're fashionistas.

Blue Vet

September 18th, 2020 at 8:23 PM ^

Remember "at this point in time"? It was fashionable for a while.

With that being said, I wouldn't say that "with that being said" lemming-like. Instead it seems like part of the nature of humans, innately social creatures, to hear a phrase or see an action that seems nifty and repeat it.

With that being said, "nifty" is never in fashion.