The day I accidentally cross-dressed as Tressel

Submitted by 950_Blue on April 13th, 2019 at 9:12 PM

Set your clocks to 2010. I had just taught an early statistics course and come back upstairs to meet a colleague who asked "Do you know you look like Tressel today?"

I looked down, and noticed that the combination of my snazzy grey sweater vest and red tie could not be denied access to Ohio's outift hall of fame. I soon removed my tie, but also recognized the ridiculousness of the entire situation. And felt a little sorry for all the Ohio St loyal who can't even wear the color Blue... 

Anyway, would love to hear any other unintentional mishaps out there! (or even those, "damnit, well I can't wear my red T with that!" situations)


April 13th, 2019 at 9:34 PM ^

I own a red tie that I absolutely refuse to wear when I am wearing gray pants or a gray suit with a white shirt. It sucks because I like the tie but I get nauseous when I see myself in the mirror wearing that color combo. 

M and M Boys

April 14th, 2019 at 11:00 AM ^

XM--Sorry to confuse you all these years.

NEVER mix the Tomato Juice with the Kahlua.

1), MORNING DRINK--Tomato Juice (and Vodka with celery salt, martini olives, marinated Old Bay seasoned cucumbers, spoonful of Carolina Salsa,  fresh ground pepper and a single celery stalk with more Old Bay seasoning)

2) LATE NIGHTCAP DRINK--mix with Breyer's vanilla ice cream, chocolate chip cookies and Kahlua/Amarula with hazelnuts on the side but tossed in the blender with ONE maraschino cherry when shaken not stirred).

On GAMEDAY-- any and all tailgate/live action beverages go in the middle of the drinking timetable.

*These heretofore top secret and  should be trademarked customized drinks are for before and after the game or party.

Mixing Tomato Juice and Kahlua together will cause immediate vomiting.

That's what I remember when I tried it only once at 217 N. Thayer back in the day.....

Sorry for the confusion.,,,

PS.--XM--don't tell the rest of the members of MGOBLOG (we don't want to wreck their fun...)

Go Blue!

*trademark still available


April 13th, 2019 at 11:40 PM ^

My sister gave me a red north face vest with grey stitching for Christmas last year.  She liked the colors because she went to St. Lawrence, and didn’t think of the connection to OSU.


April 14th, 2019 at 12:15 AM ^

Eh, I've almost eliminated green from my wardrobe because of MSU and the Boston Celtics, have no gray, and only a few red shirts, so I'm on board with all of this.

Lou MacAdoo

April 14th, 2019 at 12:23 AM ^

I bought a Callaway golf pullover that’s grey with a scarletish colored zipper at the birch run outlet mall a few years ago. I needed one for a golf trip I was heading to and it was a fabulous price. I actually wore it today for the first time in a while. Every time I put it on I feel a little dirty. It’s one of only a few pieces of clothing I own that has some red on it. 


April 14th, 2019 at 12:34 AM ^

Pretty hard to follow the Brady Hoke zero red stuff rule when you're also a red wings fan. 

Then again, it's pretty hard to be a red wings fan. 

Just make sure you wear some white & blue with your red for 'Merica.

St Joe Blues

April 14th, 2019 at 7:05 AM ^

Mine's a different team. I can't stand the Packers, nearly at the same hatred level as the Suckeyes. I have a forest green sweater (not scuMSUcker green) and yellow shirt that i absolutely refuse to wear together.

If we had a clown dress up day at work, i couldn't put together a Suckeye outfit.

M go Bru

April 14th, 2019 at 8:56 AM ^

Tressel personally downgraded my fashionable and functional sweater vest look. As an architect, who manually drafted, the vest kept my tie from contacting my drafting work.

I'll never forgive him for that!

I would never even think of wearing those hideous OSU colors. 


April 14th, 2019 at 9:34 AM ^

Preface all of this with the fact that we've lived in Ohio for the last 20+ years.  

Incident 1:  My husband bought a nice grey sweater with thin burgundy (scarlet?) stripes.  He wore it to work one time and someone pointed out that he was wearing buckeye colors.  He came home, took it off and gave it to our son-in-law (who, through accident of birthplace and negligent parenting is an OSU fan)

Incident 2:  In preparation for the UM/OSU game 2013 (which was predicted to be very cold and an OSU blow-out) I realized my only wool socks were gray with a red stripe.  I refused to wear them, frost-bite be damned!  (FWIW, it wasn't a blow out and it wasn't that cold.)


April 14th, 2019 at 1:04 PM ^

We went to Italy for our honeymoon which was during New Year's.  It is a tradition in Italy to buy red underwear for new years as it brings good luck.  My wife has been buying me red underwear every year for over a decade.   I only wear that underwear in off season....