MgoCocktail :Penn State 2023

Submitted by mbrummer3 on November 8th, 2023 at 11:09 AM

Kinda mailed this one in just skip to the Drink title if inclined

2020  Release Valve
2021 Philadelphia Fish House Punch
2022  Clover Club

Amongst all unimportant subjects, (Michigan) football is by far the most important. – Pope John Paul

College football is supposed to be fun.  USC Washington was fun,  Iowa- Northwestern was less fun but people made it fun or at least funny.

The last two weeks have not been fun.  I have had to wear my mouthguard for the first time in years because I was grinding my teeth so much.  I am done at least writing about it.  I’ve read by laws and lawyer speak and injunction procedures

Let’s talk about something everyone in the Big Ten can be united against….

If you are a fan that’s fine.  I am beyond the age I judge people on their music choices. But this song is obnoxious, it’s not even fun, like Monday Night Football with Hank Williams Jr, or Carrie Underwood’s Sunday night.   

I’m probably on the above average of Fallout Boy fan scale, since I have a couple Napster albums on CD-R’s bouncing around and even was at concert at which they performed between Weezer and Green Day.  The whole time I was complaining on a text chain how Fallout Boy got billing and time over Weezer.

This was years ago and  my cousin said: “They make music for ESPN.”  I closed my phone because I wasn’t topping that. Years later we have this and we’re stuck with for a while.  It takes me 2 days to get that earworm out of the head. 

Again, if you like them great. But this song sucks and getting it shoved down your throat hours at time.  Literally there is no difference between the inane lyrics of this and that inane Friday song everyone immediately threw in the gutter.

It’s like that friend who dragged you to a bunch of electronic/techno music clubs for years trying to expand your mind and get you into Detroit culture.

I wish I was speaking metaphorically.  “Dude we’re from Bay City.” Same guy turned 40 and then all of sudden smooth jazz was the thing.

Last thing,  in my intensive research for this writeup.  I found that Fallout Boy’s version is actually a cover song of a 2010 Italian band of Guida.  Fallout Boy didn’t even bother writing their own song for paycheck.  They stole it legally allegedly.   I respect them more now.

If thats doesn't scream American College Football... 

The Cowardly Lion

However, there is no way he is not one of the biggest whiners there is on those calls.  Day probably keeps a low profile. 

This week’s leads seem to basically absolve PSU.  Even the rumored emergency binders have a rumored small amount of PSU dirt. 

Every game is a referendum now. Again instead of a fun season dreaming of national championship, the fanbase is pouring over by laws. 


1.5oz Rye Whiskey
.5 Aperol or Luxardo Apertivo
1.5 Pineapple juice
.5 Lemon
.5 simple
Pineapple leaf garnish

Take all ingredients and place in the cocktail shaker. Add Ice.  Shake until ice cold.  Pour over fresh ice.  Garnish with the pineapple leaf.  This is a very tasty drink.  Nice for the noon game.  The bitterness of the aperol is balanced by the sweetness of the pineapple juice, an ingredient I usually disdain. 



November 8th, 2023 at 12:12 PM ^

"Kinda mailed this one in just skip to the Drink title if inclined"

I disagree - this one was one of your best, both on the random digressions and the gif game.

That said, I don't see the drink title anywhere.  Is this a Bird of Paradise, and what's the Penn State connection?