rim and threes and nothing else

Howard displays Michigan's current seed line [Marc-Gregor Campredon]

Sponsor Note. If you need some business lawyering, Richard Hoeg will do it for you. Create a business. Get a contract drawn up. Go over your options if there is a conflict.


This is not an opportunity to get into conflicts. As a lawyer, Richard Hoeg charges money for his services. So don't go waving a Hunter Dickinson flag at the nearest Maryland fan. What's even your business model? Gah!

Odd time, but you might work from home. WBB takes on Ohio State in mere minutes on BTN in a duel of ranked teams. Refresh your knowledge with Ace's WBB weekly. Hockey starts at 6:30 on NBC Sports streaming. Check it out if you want to be further enraged about BTN+!

Great googly moogly. When track goes viral this is the way it goes viral:

That was Holman's first meet. She did not go viral for winning the 600-meter race by over four seconds. The Olympics are a strong possibility.

[After THE JUMP: one line one line one line]