mgotheater 3000

Marissa McClain/Daily

This Game: Condensed game, WH highlights, box score, MGoPreview, Denard After Dentist, Offense UFR, Defense UFR, a Notre Dame fan's live blog, Gifs of ND, Let's Remember Part I, Part II

It's time for a football season. A great football season. A classic football season. A completely made up football season.

WHAT: Michigan vs. Notre Dame 2011
WHEN: Noon ET, today
WHO: Ace and I will be adding commentary
WHY: Football.


[Lineup cards after the JUMP]

It's time to watch another classic football game. Jarrett Irons and Rod Payne are joining and Dr. Sap and me to watch Michigan-Ohio State 1995. You can watch in the frame below or you can join us on my twitch stream. We'll be taking questions from the chat window.


Watch MGoTheater 3000: The 1995 Game from MGoSeth on

[Hit THE JUMP for the chat window, context of the game, and FFFF-style graphics]

Not bad for a guy who nearly retired at the start of the season. [Scott Ecker, via UM Bentley Library]

We are giving Ace the weekend off to bring you some FOOTBALL! Specifically, football of the Michigan vs USC variety. My copilot for The Teams/Michigan historian Dr. Sap is on hand to help with the memories because I was newly nine years old on January 1, 1989.

We lost our original special guest, but then scored a giant one across from him: GREG SKREPENAK will be on hand to answer questions and tell Bo stories.

Join us at 8pm ET. You can watch the embed and participate in the chat below, or go to

Watch MGoTheater 3000: The 1989 Rose Bowl from MGoSeth on

If we run into technical issues please bear with us as it's my first time running one of these. Game notes are here:



USC of course had Rodney Peete, RB Ricky Ervins, RB/FB Leroy Holt, two future NFL tight end sin Paul Green and Scott Galbraith, two future NFL draft picks outside in Erik Affholter and John Jackson Jr. (father of JJIII), and some stars on the offensive line including Rimington candidate Brad Leggett at center. Oh and on defense, just some guy named Junior Seau.

the shot.

the other bookend to one of the most ludicrous weekends of basketball in recent memory

hold onto your butts

we were all so young then