curtis blackwell

the boys of late winter are off to a good start [Bill Rapai]

Calling it a clown show would be too kind. If you don't live in Ann Arbor, you can skip to the next section. Ann Arborites: last night the anti party city council majority fired the city administrator for no reason. They put the motion to fire him on the city council agenda at the last second. There was no discussion about why Howard Lazarus was getting fired; the anti party simply ignored the Open Meetings Act, decided to fire a dedicated civil servant, and set 300k of city money on fire.

This is par for the course for the current majority, which has openly considered violating state law—Bolt vs Lansing if you want to know—only for city staff to say "uh… that would violate state law." Firing Lazarus is like firing the crash alert system on your car. Since the goal of the anti party is to freeze Ann Arbor in amber to the detriment of the entire county outside their core constituency, this suits them just fine.

Ann Arbor can restore a city council majority not intent on driving off a cliff on August 4th. So here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna figure out which ward you're in and you're gonna vote for one of the following people on August 4th:


Then Ann Arbor governance can move on from the bit where the city council majority spends its time shrieking and flinging poo. Thanks in advance.

[After THE JUMP: Speaking of disastrous situations: the Cavs!]

we meet again, captain queeg [Patrick Barron]

It's probably over. It's Michigan State week, and in 2019 that means surveying a program down the road that is finally reaping what it's sown. Years of operating in a virtually lawless environment caught up with MSU after their breakthrough recruiting class saw four players leave school for two different sexual assault incidents. That class is, or should be, this year's seniors. Their outcomes, in order of ranking: sexual assault, sexual assault, sexual assault, NFL, on roster, transfer, transfer, sexual assault, transfer, transfer, transfer, transfer, on roster, transfer, transfer, on roster, PEDs, on roster, on roster, kicker.

[After the JUMP: Jim Henson doesn't deserve this]

brrap brrap pew pew [Patrick Barron]

Biaka… that guy. I never knew how much I needed Lou Holtz trying to pronounce "Biakabutuka" in my life:

IMPORTANT IMPORTANT. It's important to economize your words.

Alas, this appears to be a typo; for the rest of the article the coach is referred to as "Bellers." I apologize for ruining everything.

[After THE JUMP: it's not a new logo, it's just a different branding device]