Any Interest in MgoBlog Get Together at Final Four?

Submitted by Gameboy on

Flying down tomorrow and wondering if anyone was interested in having a meetup (perhaps Sun night?) in San Antonio for all the folks going down there.

Would need some help from a local in figuring out a place but would be nice to get a crowd together.


March 29th, 2018 at 11:43 AM ^

To be fair, if you go to particularly upscale truckstops, they tend to have nice retention ponds or drains nearby, and the water is kept warm by some of the things that have found their way into the water over the years, so you could have an impromptu hottub that absolutely requires showering afterwards as a bonus. 


March 29th, 2018 at 11:28 AM ^

I've often wondered if some of the people on here who are super negative assholes are that way in real life.  I suspect they are which would sort of make this a downer if they showed up.  But, most MGo people are pretty nice it seems as long as we don't start talking about that_which_must_never_be_discussed


March 29th, 2018 at 11:24 AM ^

And the rest of the guys butt-rape you, would you tell?


Then would you like to go on an MgoBlog get together?


March 29th, 2018 at 10:11 PM ^

Esquire Tavern is a great choice was there the other night. Has space upstairs, on patio and downstairs. Boiler house at the Pearl is great.

Another good option is the Paramour. Awesome bar on the end of the river walk towards the Pearl. Roof top, huge space and awesome drink selection. I know the bartenders and owner well.