Justin Eboigbe, YOU are a Los Angeles Charger. (As preordained by Brian)

Submitted by Harbaugeddon on April 27th, 2024 at 12:58 PM

Not every Chargers draft pick merits a new post, but this is not as much about the pick as it is giving Brian credit for calling this specific pick months ago during the UFR of our offense vs Alabama after his solid performance against us:

There was one glaring issue with Michigan's plan: Justin Eboigbe. I didn't want to spell his last name over and over again in the chart so I just called him "anchor," but he's in there over and over again. When I am constantly referencing an opposing player in the chart they're either Lathan Ransom or whooping some ass.

Justin Eboigbe, YOU are a Los Angeles Charger.

